Fine game, overstays its welcome and becomes samey towards the end.

Didn't go far enough with its neat concept, hope they try again and are able to give it the time it requires.

Best modern Ubi cast, characters are not deep however and this game runs a little long.

The best pirate game ever made, as well as the Assassin's Creed game yet!

Probably the best WRPG ever made.


GOTY 2020, new king of indies and rogue-likes.

Great worldbuilding and characters- terrible everything else. This game is not fun.

Really bland game, terrible combat that the only difference on harder difficulties is the bloating of health bars. Greece is a fine setting but this map much bigger than it has any right being. Story is also atrocious and is basically just a fan fiction.

One of the best Assassin's Creed games, great story paired with an even better protagonist and setting.

Pretty bland superhero story paired with easy combat made this game a chore.

Yeah the writing isn't all that strong, as well as the villain's are not all that great, but behind that is probably one of the most fun and influential JRPG's of all time with Royal adding a killer 3rd semester.

One of the few perfect games ever made. Timeless classic.