It's a fun time but it's very vanilla and I think gets outshined by practically every other game in the series.

Extremely underrated title that while lacking in story has the amazing Job system which is so fun to mess around with and can lead to all sorts of fun creative builds

Absolutely amazing game with a great emotional story that added even more onto MGS2's already really solid (he's not in this one though) base.

This game is really good. I don't think it entirely lived up to the expectations, to be honest, but I still really enjoyed it.

I struggled quite a bit on some bosses which kind of made the experience drag a bit for me but still overall a very strong game.

It's a really mixed bag but I overall enjoyed the experience. I think it's a shame that some people skip it but I don't entirely blame them tbh.

It's been a little over half a year since I finished this game and man I just keep thinking about it. I absolutely love this game so much, an absolute masterpiece worth experiencing.

Absolutely amazing, it improved on every flaw I had with the original and gave one of the most insane but enthralling plotlines I've ever experienced in a video game.

Aged poorly in some ways and vastly outshined by its sequels in my opinion but my god I loved this game. It made me instantly want to pick up MGS2 and continue the series.

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Really good game but the final section was pretty weak. That last dungeon was pretty annoying at times, not to mention that it takes a few hours to get through. Also, the ending of the game was kind of confusing and I found it a little disappointing at first.

Overall, a really good game, would recommend it. Although the story kinda falls off at the end, it surpassed the original most of the time.

Third Semester kinda carries but I found the cast to be lacking overall.

Really fun with a good story. The bosses are challenging but still fun, every death feels like I made a genuine mistake. The mantra system is also really cool and allows you to basically customize anyone however you like (although their stats somewhat restrict that).

I really love this game, the campaign's first half is really strong and while it slightly falters nearing the end, I find that the last two missions are pretty fun as well.

When it comes to multiplayer, it isn't perfect but it's my favourite of the entire series in my opinion. There's a lot of depth here like learning to manipulate spawns or grenade throws. All of this comes together to make the most unique Halo multiplayer experience.

I love this game so much despite all the flaws, it's a very important game to me and I think it's probably the peak of Persona imo.

I love the characters and story, some of my favourites of the entire series. The gameplay is definitely flawed (being very easy on both versions), but I think it's much better than people say. I ended up actually enjoying the battle system, I just wish the game was a bit more challenging.