I love smashing with the bros!

It's good, but a little overrated I think.

Like this review if summoner is a fun class to play as (hint: it is)

I might update this if I play all the routes (I played Crimson Flower), but... idk, this game was good, not amazing.

Very very very good game with some HORRIBLE gameplay sections at times (looking at you, RftA). Still, the good things more than make up for the infrequent bad moments.

It's good, but way too similar to the previous games. The story mode is literally just Octo Expansion again but with slightly better level design. I'm kinda worried about this series if the third game (fourth if you count OE) still feels too similar to the first, even 7 years later.

Fun game but some of those later levels are absolutely ridiculously stupid and terribly designed

This one was a bit disappointing, I was expecting a lot more, especially because the reboot games are so good.

EDIT: Let me go a bit more in-depth about why I think this game doesn't hold up too well. First off, the positives: the sound and graphics are stellar. By far one of the most impressive, ground-breaking, and breathtaking games ever released, both visually and audibly. The music is enchanting, the sound effects are satisfying and immersive, and the visuals look impossible for the system it was released on.

With that all being said, this game has some AWFUL level design at some points. The weird 2.5D aesthetic makes it really hard to tell where you're landing, which doesn't help when you're trying to make super precise inputs. There are also just a lot of cheap enemy placements that are difficult or sometimes impossible to see coming. It just feels unfair most of the time. This game is way easier than TF, but in that game it's always very clear what killed me, how it killed me, and what I should have done. It never feels unfair, it never feels stupid. This level design issue doesn't come up too much but it's often enough for me to not consider this game excellent by any means. It's good and absolutely still worth playing, but has been obliterated by its successors in nearly every way.

This game had SO much potential, and the open-world sections are indeed very fun, but it completely screwed it up with the levels, a lot of which are just not well designed at all.

I don't know who created... Pokemon Go... but I'd try to figure out how we get them to have Pokemon Go To The Polls!