Birmingham is a fucking shithole.

An artistic, timeless, unique and hardcore masterpiece.

HBomberguy made irreversible damage to the Fallout community, this game is actually really good

Living in Finland fucking sucks.

KinitoPet has lots of merits but it falls flat as a horror experience. The old internet aesthetic is very neat and some of the 4th wall breaks give some chills. However the abuse of jumpscares, flashing images and creepy faces(Analog horror tropes) makes it a really annoying game to sit through.
Not to mention that it almost crosses the line of fake malware. The developer really has potential to make something unique and great in the future, but overall the premise is much more interesting than the execution.

Happened to my buddy Eric once

Ignoring the abnoxious puzzles that detract a bit from the story, this is one of My favourite Suda games just below Killer7.
It has a lot of personality and the story is a bit weird but charming and a bit melancholic as well.
But i think the best thing that this game offers is the atmosphere, the soundtrack is a freaking banger and the old low poly ds feeling makes me want to travel to Losspas island irl.
Also, Mondo is literally the best protagonist ever created, he is such a silly depressed goober ^⁠_⁠^

The story is deep and interesting, the atmosphere is incredible, the gameplay is fun, the characters are memorable, and the soundtrack is orgasmic.

For me, this is the perfect videogame.

Yume Nikki is a simple Game, but in that simple premise hides one of the most unique experiences in videogame history.
Everyone has it's own interpretation of what this game means and few games manage to give such a variety of ideas and feelings to many players around the world. It's something that definitely everyone should experience.

The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

If Spelunky 2 could speak: Your life literally is as valuable as a summer ant.
I'm just gonna stomp you, you're gonna keep coming back, I'm gonna seal up all my cracks, you're gonna keep coming back, why? Cause you keep smelling the syrup, you worthless bitchass fella!
You're gonna stay on my dick until you die. You serve no purpose in life, your purpose in life is to play my game sucking on my dick daily. Your purpose in life is to play blowing a dick daily.
Your life is nothing, you serve ZERO purpose.
You should kys, NOW!
And give somebody else a piece of that oxygen and ozone layer that's covered up so we can breathe inside this blue trapped bubble.
Cause what are you here for? To worship me? Kys!
I mean that with a hundred percent with a thousand percent.

I don't know if this game aged badly or if i'm too old to have fun with it. I think the gameplay loop is too boring, just walk through the level breaking everything in your path, do some really basic platforming sections, watch a cutscene and go to the next level. Specially compared to other LEGO games that complemented this gameplay loop with much better mechanics.

I've never cried for an ending since Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater and Undertale