This game quickly became one of my favourite games of all time.

Sanitarium has one of the best storytelling i've ever seen in any videogame, most of the bizarre stuff that happens is a metaphor or a motif of the story and trauma of the protagonist, which is something i definitely didn't expect for an adventure game from 1998.

The puzzles are also really creative and well made, none of that unfair bullshit of many other adventure games at the time. Although, they can be a real challenge for many, is hard but fair.

But my favourite part has to be the atmosphere. The old 90's graphics aged "bad", but that makes the twisted world of the game much more unnerving. That, combined with the soundtrack, makes for one of the best atmospheres i've ever seen in a horror game, period.

In conclusion, Sanitarium is a game that any horror enthusiast or old adventure game fan must play, you'll definitely not leave dissapointed.

HBomberguy made irreversible damage to the Fallout community, this game is actually really good

Ignoring the abnoxious puzzles that detract a bit from the story, this is one of My favourite Suda games just below Killer7.
It has a lot of personality and the story is a bit weird but charming and a bit melancholic as well.
But i think the best thing that this game offers is the atmosphere, the soundtrack is a freaking banger and the old low poly ds feeling makes me want to travel to Losspas island irl.
Also, Mondo is literally the best protagonist ever created, he is such a silly depressed goober ^⁠_⁠^

I don't know why, but this game gives this strange, Silent Hill 1-esque feeling of loneliness, almost as if you were playing a cursed game that you found in a garage sale like those crappy Creepypastas from the 2010's. It creeps me out but also fascinates me. Not to mention the amazing cutscenes that you can't watch unless you activate compatibility mode for Windows 7.

this game made me delete twitter, best mistake of my life would do it again.

Happened to my buddy Eric once

The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

"Big data has announced the end of the person who possesses free will"
-Byung Chul Han

Yume Nikki is a simple Game, but in that simple premise hides one of the most unique experiences in videogame history.
Everyone has it's own interpretation of what this game means and few games manage to give such a variety of ideas and feelings to many players around the world. It's something that definitely everyone should experience.

An artistic, timeless, unique and hardcore masterpiece.

This game has the best country song of the last century over a goddamn house building cutscene.

A fun game to enjoy with the family on a nice sunday evening :3