I've never cried for an ending since Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater and Undertale

A deep piece of art and a Janky ass Game. My favourite types of videogames combined together.

Not recommended to people who value their lifetime

The vives of this game are really unmatched and the characters are hilarious.
The Best "GTA clone" imo

The story is deep and interesting, the atmosphere is incredible, the gameplay is fun, the characters are memorable, and the soundtrack is orgasmic.

For me, this is the perfect videogame.

Exploring Los Santos at night while listening to K-DST is still one of my favorite videogame Moments.

A buggy mess with the best early to mid-game i've ever experienced in an RPG

More games should borrow from Dujanah's style of narrative and art direction.

The Game is really goddamn hard, but the feeling of building the Satsuma piece by piece gives me a feeling of satisfaction that i can't describe.
Also Teimo is the best shopkeeper character in all of gaming.

If you told an AI to write an action RPG set in space, inspired by Fallout New Vegas with the humor of Rick and Morty and the most childish social and political commentary ever, this would be the result.

Fuck osu!, all my homies play Guitar Hero III Legends of rock


Look, i get the hype, it was a really good game at the time and i tried to have an Open mind about the gameplay and Focus on the great storytelling. But the shooting mechanics are god-awful imo.

The only thing that takes this game out of perfection are the really unfair puzzles, but for everything else, this is a must play.

Living in Finland fucking sucks.