The best Smash game bar none. The largest and best roster and the tightest mechanics. Just need some more balance between certain fighters and actually decent online and it'd be worth a full 5/5 score.

Iconic classic that set the gold standard for 3D platformer and would still be the best Mario game today if Odyssey didn't come out.

Gameplay mechanics still feel just as good as it did when the game was first released, the levels are all very creative and are super fun to explore and the music is just masterfully composed.

This is Guitar Hero at its absolute best. There's a great custom charting community with thousands and thousands of charts available in every musical genre from classic rock to progressive metal to J-pop and you can also get official rips of songs from all the old Guitar Hero and Rock Band games. You can play with a keyboard or one of the many various Guitar Hero/Rock Band controls that are supported, the latency is great and if you download Hamachi you can even play with friends. Seriously, if you're even a casual fan of rhythm games this is the best one out there that can provide hundreds of hours of entertainment, a true classic of the modern age.


The only reason this game isn't the best DOOM is because Eternal exists. It's still amazing and worth playing though.

Wolfo Zelda based around Japanese myth and folklore. Incredibly fun and unique gameplay, engaging story and world, great level design and bosses and killer OST. It deserves all the praise it gets. An iconic classic and masterpiece for a reason.

Overall a very solid superhero game and a good Batman game. It nails the atmosphere, character portrayals, has great voice acting work and has good lore based on the universe.

The combat seems pretty basic and clunky by todays standards, but back in 2009 it was pretty mind-blowing and revolutionary, kinda why so many other games have tried to mimic it since then.

A modern Power Rangers beat em up could've been cool if even the slightest amount of effort was put into it, but this game doesn't have that. The controls are horrible, there's no variety to the enemies and they are damage sponges. The combat would be fun if not for horrible hitboxes, but Megazord battles are boring and there's just no original ideas in the game. Oh and the worst thing of all is there's no online co-op. The game feels more like a student project than something that would be published by such a huge company like Bandai Namco. Avoid this game because there's just nothing of value aside from some nostalgic value and a good cartoon art style.

To be fair it takes a very high IQ to understand Bioshock Infinite...

The Rick and Morty of video games.

You want a story that actually knows how to utilize quantum physics/philosophical themes properly? Go read Zero Escape or Steins;Gate instead, thanks.

I mean at least the music by Crush 40 is always great

One of the few instances of a reboot surpassing the original.

Really good character development and a good story that combines realism and survival instincts with supernatural elements.

It really gives a real sense of danger, being stranded on some (almost) deserted island on the coast of Japan fighting just to survive from the dangers of nature, the island and some crazy cult, which all adds to the immersion of the game.

Also, it is a perfect origins story, we literally see Lara go from being a scared young woman terrified to even shoot someone to being the badass Lara Croft we all know and love, fearless in the face of danger and ready to take charge.

Don't get me started on the weapon customization too, no old Tomb Raider game had weapon customization anywhere close to the level of the new game's system

Also reboot Lara best Lara. Step on me, please.

Persona + Ys + Trails = Tokyo Xanadu

This was my first Falcom game back in 2018. I was looking for Persona styled alternatives and a friend recommended it to me. Fast forward a couple years after I've played the entire Trails and Ys series and I'd say it's one of my least favorite Falcom games, but it's still great regardless.

Story is pretty much a generic 2000s shounen and the characters are very trope-y, but it's still compelling because Falcom writers are top notch and know how to keep things interesting.

Combat is like Ys mixed with the orbment system of Cold Steel. It's a lot of fun.

Dungeon design is kinda weak, but the OST is incredible as with all Falcom so it makes up for it.

The game also has tons of references to Trails and Ys so if you're a fan of those series it's worth a playthrough just for that.

A very lackluster and anti-climatic finale to a great reboot trilogy of origins story for Lara. From the story to the gameplay and graphics everything just feels like such an inferior rehash of Rise. I mean it's not a horrible game, it's just pretty forgettable which is disappointing since it's supposed to be the 'epic definitive conclusion' to the trilogy. Well, at least Lara is still just as great as ever.

Insert funny man on YouTube over-reacting to game that tries to be scary but isn't here

Just another instance of me loving a game as a kid and then deciding to ruin it for myself by replaying it as an adult and seeing all the flaws and how horribly it has aged, I should really stop doing that.

It's two of the greatest VN/ADVs that you'll ever experience in one package together. It's just simply a no-brainer to get this if you like hard sci-fi stories with an emphasis on philosophy and quantum physics themes.