About You: Video Games

I found this from several people I've become friends with since joining Backloggd including Alphaone2, Penumbra, Thealexmott, and Fallengrace and I thought it was an awesome and interesting idea.

Here is the template to do your own.

Most Relaxing:

It was hard to pick between this and Harvest Moon 64. Both of these games I can just turn my mind off and slip off into the world for hours without any care in the world

Honorable mention: Harvest Moon 64
Most Stressful:

No game has really ever made me think “that was stressful” but the closest thing was RE2. Mostly it comes from just trying to figure the puzzles out while trying to get Mr. X off your tail.
Most hours put into a game:

If you count whole series I’ve definitely spent more hours on a collection of games but for one solo game nothing comes close for me. I spent roughly 2,500 hours on overwatch in its first 3 years of existence.
Best Soundtrack:

This was the absolute hardest for me. I have a list of my favoirte OST's already and I believe its the only list I have where I didnt rank them because it it so hard. Persona 5 has banger after banger and does deserve the top spot.

Honorable Mention: Final Fantasy 6, 7,8,9, Chrono Trigger, Super Metroid, Undertale, Donkey Kong Country 2, Mega Man X, and Mega Man 2.
Favorite Series:

This has been a debate for me between Final Fantasy, Metroid, Resident Evil, and Mega Man/X. But after plowing through all the Final Fantasy games back to back from beginning to end it is without question the best series for me. I am playing XVI now and when finished am going to be putting out 16 lists in honor of the franchises 16th mainline game.

Honorable mention: already mentioned them but Metroid, Resident Evil, and Mega Man/ Mega Man X.
Favorite Protagonist:
The one and only Kratos. His journey from God of War on the PS2 to Ragnarok on PS5 is unforgettable and a beautiful character arc.

Honorable Mentions: Cloud (FF7) and Samus (Metroid)
Best Ending:

Final Fantasy X ending was so emotional and well written. I don’t want to spoil it. But to see what Tidus starts at to what he sacrifices at the end is moving. As is his relationships particularly with Jehct and Yuna. Just beautiful but hard to talk about without spoilers.

Honorable mentions: Way to many to mention but one day I will do a full list of endings.
Favorite Game Of All Time:

This has been my favorite game for almost 30 years now and I keep waiting for something to beat it.
Game everyone else loves that I hate:

Hate is a strong word but I really really really don’t like you Banjo Kazooie. With all the 3D platformers out there this is a hill some of you are willing to die on? I just don’t get it.
Childhood game:

Without a doubt I’ve beaten this game more than any other game. I fell in love with it around the age of 6 and have beaten it multiple times a year every year since the mid 90s. This is the only game I’ve ever tried my hand at speed running.

Honorable Mention: Super Metroid, Super Mario World, Mario 64, Super Smash Bros Melee
Best Story

This game hit me so hard more than a few times. An elite cast of characters, in a Game of Throne world, with a more dark/adult themed Final Fantasy story. Yes please.

Honorable Mentions: The Last of Us, FF 6,7,9,10, Chrono Trigger, God of War Ragnarok, Persona 5, NieR: Automata, Suikoden 2, and several more.
Favorite Boss:

The bosses make this game the masterpiece it is. If I had to pick just one it would probably be Nightmare King Grim.

Honorable mention: Sans (undertale)
Game I love that everyone else seems to hate:

I know many don’t hate Skyward Sword, but enough do that I feel justified in making this selection. I know I am in a small, small minority when I say this but I believe this is the best Zelda of all time. You can check my review to see my reasoning. But I adore this game and it deserves more love.

Honorable mention: Final Fantasy XV
Best art design:

I’m only 9 hours into Pikmin 4 but I’ve seen enough to say it’s my favorite art design in the medium. The graphics are beautiful, the people are adorable, the Pikmin are adorable, the creatures are unique and fun, the worlds are beautiful, interesting, and a joy to explore, and I love that the put you into the shoes of feeling so small, like a bug, seeing the world from their perspective.

Honorable mentions: Ori and the Will of the Wisps, Ori and the Blind Forest, and Hollow Knight
Guilty Pleasure:

DDLC is definitely my guilty pleasure. I love it for the story and psychological horror aspects but many will see this and just think of a graphic novel about anime waifu’s that your trying to lay so that makes it embarrassing if they don’t know the game.
Favorite Villain:

Kefka, the man that truly ended the world and most living things on it. He is equally comedic, evil, and terrifying. A true nihilist that actually beats the heroes and completes all of his goals.

Honorable Mention: Sephiroth (FF7), Wesker (Resident Evil), Ridley (Metroid)
Game you always come back to:

I put Star Craft 2 but really it’s just the world of Star Craft. I’ve been playing online matches since the original game came out and while I always end up fading off the game I am never really done as I’ll get sucked back in.
Game I haven't played but want to:

This would be Pikmin 4 or Final Fantasy XVI if I was currently playing them. The only Persona game I’ve played is Persona 5 and I loved it. I will be buying this game soon and seeing what some of the other Personas are all about.


9 months ago

Eh!! Always love seeing these. Though maybe I should've added descriptions to my list in hindsight.

9 months ago

I really need to get around to playing Chrono Trigger. As such a heavy RPG player it is a blemish on my gaming history.

In my defense it wasn't released here originally XD

9 months ago

Love this!

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