Man RGG sure really fucking seemed to love Ratchet and clank quest for Booty what with the game being digital only in most places and being cobbled together in a few months and made to to tease the bigger game coming later.

where do I even begin to talk about to this fucking travesty combat would be fun if like the fucking bosses didn't have super armour and didn't do like a trillion damage agent is such a clunky gimmicky ass style that only gets good after you upgrade it and yakuza style is basically just k2 but has the luxury of having charged attacks from judgement

It's lame as shit that the only town you go to in this sotenbori for 99% of it AND THEY DIDNT DO SHIT TO MAKE IT DIFFERENT I SERIOUSLY HOPE THEY DONT FUCKING BRING IT BACK side stories are lame boring and uninteresting and I wanna know whos the tard who brought back using money as the upgrade currency it fucking stinks here

the best part about this game was the first and final chapter the ending to this game is actually amazing and had me with the feels

overall you can skip out this one it's not required if you're playing all of these games makes me wish 8 was out already i neeeeeeeeed it

Honestly play this game when you are having a bad day it's such a good stress dampener

the fact this game is 30 fps is it's ultimate downfall it's good but honestly I think the story and characters are forgettable the visuals on the other hand are crazy good probably the best looking plat game by far

I'll pick it back up at some point via emulator so I can play it at 60 tho I wish it had a PC port instead

better than the first game in terms of gameplay but still average af i'd rather play CE instead

one of the shortest but one of my favs I really liked the story and the different character shifts really makes the story feel grander

top 5 games in the franchise probably the best ending in any of the games IMO

half the game feels like a filler beach episode in an anime

goddamn easily the darkest game in the series with its subject matter and handled very maturely and one of the only games I can think of off the top of my head that does a morally gray subject matter superb

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all of the dudes Haruka coulda had an accident child with why'd she pick such a bitch boy?

this game feels like it's trying tro be 5 different RE games all at once and while I had fun with it it didn't feel like it had a real focus unlike 7

i actually kinda like this game wish sony weren't hacks and greenlit a sequel to improve on this game's shortcomings instead of making more last of uslop

My favourite game in the series bar none helped me out during the worst time in my life so far seeing ichi always get back up no matter how many times he got kicked to the ground was inspiring as hell