Great platformer adventure game, controls are butter smooth probably the best in any 3d platformer, no matter your skill level you always feel like you have so much control and say over the character.
Lots of collectable kinda bring it down just a bit tho (still on the moon grind even with a bunch of hours put in the game)

Cool mureder mistery type gaem, for my liking there is some better ones but i can see why so many love it

Awesome game, its just fun to run around causing chaos
If anything the game may be too fun to do dumb shit on bc i dont really do the main mission

gta like, looks good gameplay lil rough

If you were to ask me to recommend a game to ANYONE
Begginer experienced all the different tastes in the world
I would pick Celeste
This game is a masterpiece of game design, its gameplay smooth as butter and oh so good to play, a story that perfectly compliments all the mechanics and challenges, an amazing soundtrack and so much more
NO matter who you are, just give this game a go, promise you wont regrett it

Coop is fantastic
Still have to try the full solo campaign tho

Awesome game so far havent gotten to far to know if it will be one of my favorites but it sure looks like it will

I can see why some people like it but i sont think this is a game for me
Will give it a try later maybe i just need a different perspective to truly understand it


Amazing rougue like (coming from someone who doesnt even play many of them)
its so good for long sessions and a great game to just pick up and play whenever you want and however you want
When i dont know what to play i usuakky think it over a run of hades

Still a nit early on and my first souls game but i gotta say
i totally get it
this is a fun as game you just need a bit of a change in mental from most game since you are not gonna be powering through everything and some patience if you are not very skilled (like me)

Amazing game
This was my introduction to a bit more complex story telling in video games
And WOW, what a way to begin
Story is outstanding especially the more you look into it graphics still hold up to this day with some amazing scenery and ambience
AND the game is just fun to play (granted i do really REALLY like jrpgs and their mecanics so lil bias there)
If you are indecisive about picking up this game or feel intimidated by any aspect of it, I BEG you to give it atleast one try, you will know fairly quick if you like it or not so dont worry

THIS this is what open world games should be.
There just IS a sense of freedoom that plagues the whole game
You can do whatever you want however you want
Everything is crafted so that the player is 90% free to do whatever they want
great game and one that is awesome to play in multiple sessions

There really isnt a game quite like overwatch
A lot has changed and many more games have come and go yet nothing quite scratches the itch that this game does
Even though things may be rough as of now i will always have this as my favorite multyplayer game ever
(Add me if you guys wanna play McDazzle#11215)

Amazing game with endless possibilities if you just have the mind for it.
MInecraft is a game without goals you are the one who makes the goals and you decide when it ends
Will probably go back to it many times more as its just the nature of the game