The best part of this DLC is the interactions between Peter and Miles/MJ/Black Cat.

An incredibly charming and fun game. Has one of the best, if not the best, online communities I have seen in years. Everyone I have encountered has been super chill and cooperative. In lobbies where you get the right crew you just feel like a well-oiled machine. The subreddit is also great and filled with helpful people if you are just starting out. It's just a breath of fresh air being a part of this community when you're so used to toxic ones like League of Legends or Overwatch.

Play this game. Rock and stone to the bone!

Control's atmosphere and world carried this for me. There's some decent fun to be had here, but because there isn't much to change up the gameplay, it gets quite repetitive. I think the lore is really interesting, but unfortunately, most of it is hidden behind hundreds of text documents that I cannot be bothered to take the time to read. I'm sure I'll find some videos on YouTube and have a good time listening to the lore, but needless to say, explaining 99% of what's going on in your world through an unreasonable amount of Word docs is not the way to go. There aren't even any characters to get invested in here.

The only time during my playthrough where I had a genuinely exciting combat experience was the Ashtray Maze. The music and the environment were great there.


This game fucking slaps.
The art design? Banging.
The gameplay? Banging.
The soundtrack? Banging.
The characters and voice acting? Banging.

I thoroughly enjoyed every second of this game. I'm glad Riot is starting to put out more content so we can actually see their amazing characters interact with each other. I loved listening to every conversation the party had with each other and watching them have genuine interactions instead of just random voice lines like it is in League.

The gameplay is really fun. I'm not much of a turn-based RPG player outside of Pokemon games so this was interesting to get used to. I think as per usual with these types of games once you have a rhythm going and your party starts reaching its peak it becomes not super challenging. Thankfully though unlike in Pokemon games, there are different difficulties to choose from so on my second time around I'll have to give Heroic a try.

The only real negatives I have are occasional bugs (fortunately none were game-breaking), lots of loading (played on the Series X so that wasn't much of a hassle) and some of the 3D models can look a tad weird in the ultimate move cinematics. Besides that the game is fantastic and I hope Airship Syndicate makes more games like this set in the League Universe.

I can’t believe this game was as good as it was. I had practically no expectations going into it and was completely blown away by how great it is. I’m shocked by the fact that a Guardians of the Galaxy game had one of the most emotionally impactful stories I’ve ever experienced in a video game.

Cosmo is best of boys.

Such a shitty, broken, clunky game. Easily the worst of the mainstream battle royales. I’m convinced people only played this at the time because there just simply wasn’t any other BR out.

What a fucking game.

This is only the second Soulsborne game I have truly attempted to play and had any interest in playing. The first was Sekiro but I've been stuck on that Genichiro boss fight for so long that I haven't taken the time to go back and continue.

I absolutely love everything about this game.
- Exploration is great.
- Combat is stressful, engaging, and rewarding.
- Lots of weapons, spells, and armor to choose from giving the player many interesting build options.
- It's got a great score.
- The story and characters are interesting.
- The boss fights are insane.

This feels like the least bang your head against the wall Souls game from what I've seen. If you get stuck on a boss you can just come back to it later after you have done other stuff because there are so many things available for you to do right out the gate. Not to mention mechanics like summon or magic that can make your battles a little bit easier if you're struggling.

I found myself having not too much difficulty with most of the main bosses as a melee build. My average number of deaths per boss was probably around 6 and quite a few bosses only took me one or two attempts. Melania was the only exception to the rule. She probably took me just under 20 attempts.

As far as 1000g and Platinum Trophy's go I would say this game is relatively easy just takes some time. Most of the achievements are just killing main/side bosses with a couple collecting all legendary loot for different categories. There are 3 achievements regarding different endings but you can still get all 3 in one playthrough if you utilize a cloud save cheese.

My only real issues with the game are quality of life changes that I wish they would make.
- Having no quest log can be an absolute pain in the ass sometimes. Having to look up a guide because the NPCs give you a vague quest is irritating. On top of that NPCs will just leave their known location sometimes without even a hint as to where they are headed so unless you want to aimlessly wander every square inch of the map trying to find that specific character, you have to look it up because there are no quest markers. In the recent patch, they did add NPC markers to the map which is great and kind of crazy that it wasn't in the game in the first place
- Not being able to compare items merchants have to what you have equipped is an insane oversight on FromSoft's part. It doesn't do the bare minimum that comparing items in your inventory does by having the stats just be red or blue to show how it compares to what you're wearing. It gives you no indication about if your gear is better or worse.

Those are my only 2 real issues with the game and they are pretty minor in the grand scheme of things.

Overall, Elden Ring has been an absolute blast to play. Even when I got frustrated enough to turn the game off, minutes later I'd start thinking about it again and turn it back on having lost all of my previous frustration. It was an incredibly fun experience from start to finish.

I was wrong. This is ACTUALLY Bethesda's best game. This takes everything from the first game and improves upon it. They added a shit load of tools to work with, a bunch of new upgrades, and 2 different characters with completely different power sets. This gives the game even more replayability than the first Dishonored. Which is really saying something because the first game already had a ton of replayability. The game looks fantastic and everything you do feels incredibly fluid. It’s just an all around amazing game. I’m very much looking forward to my next couple of playthroughs to 100% this.

It's still Bethesda's best game.

This is Bethesda's best game and it ain't even close.

This is hands down the best-looking Lego game that has ever been released and probably one of the best-looking games I've ever played.

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is a tribute to an old and beloved franchise. There is a ton of stuff to love here. The updated Lego Star Wars gameplay keeps everything fresh and more engaging than in previous titles, especially in the lightsaber duels. It has probably one of the most touching opening scenes to a video game I've ever seen that celebrates everything this franchise has experienced both good and bad. They even had some of the Clone Wars cast come back and voice over for the prequel episodes.

If I were to make one complaint about this game it would probably be that due to its sheer massive scale and each of the nine movies needing to have 5 levels each the levels themselves are a bit shorter than that of previous years. Typically in a Lego game, you have 10-12 levels and then a couple of bonus ones after you complete the story. But here because there are 45 levels total spanning the 9 movies I can see why they wouldn't be as long as people are used to. I personally am not a huge fan of the super long levels that Traveller's Tales has been doing for a while so it was nice having the levels be shorter here in The Skywalker Saga. Regardless I can't help but feel as though they are a bit TOO short and don't have enough of those Lego-level fundamentals. There haven't been that many puzzles or even building for that matter. I am still loving the game and even though I understand why the levels are this short it's still a bit disappointing. I'm kind of conflicted about the levels being as short as they are because on one hand I'm trying to get through the story as quickly as possible so I can work on the post-game and 100% it but on the other hand I'm kind of missing some of these more traditional lego level staples. The Phantom Menace particularly didn't feel like it had any actual levels until the latter half of the movie.

Despite my issue with this game, Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga has been an absolute treat and exactly what I was hoping for. It is a beautiful, fun, charming love letter to the franchise that so many people have fallen in love with over the decades.

Now it's time to go 100% this sucker.


I had just beat Elden Ring prior to starting Tunic and somehow this is more difficult. Might come back to it at a later time.