Castlevania RANKED

Made a new one in lieu of completing Rondo of Blood

Not sure why this game copied Aria instead of taking from all of the games. The expansion on fighting inputs is cool though.
Doing these as well because why not. Pretty derivative of Castlevania III, but it's cool that killing your friends turns you into Belmont Hayabusa.
A fine God of War clone. Unfortunately, I don't care much for God of War.
Linear but without the benefits of linearity. It really feels like they were rushed here.
Super Mario 64 joke.
The perfect counterpoint of "Action games don't need level design".
Man I hate the anime artstyle. Thankfully none of the best games in this series have an anime style.
Harmony of dissonance but good, 3D, and made for $12
Never got why people complain about the game being grindy. You can make it through the game without grinding unless you want one specific soul (Or you want the true ending, which is a dumb trend in the Igavanias).
It's almost comical how much more fun Maxim mode is. Unfortunately, you have to beat the boring main game to earn it.
"Yeah, your card combos can do some cool stuff. To find out what, please enter a complex Street Fighter combo we never told you about."
An attempt to mix the Igavania and classic style. It didn't work.
Somehow all of the crap they shoved in here makes a pretty great game.
I think I'll like this more on a replay. Kind of a mix of Rondo and Super, which is cool.
Three hours of doing flips and fighting monsters as an 80s Shounen guy or Magic Girl while the some of the greatest music in gaming plays in the background.
Good enough, but most of the criticisms of this game are true. Really should've made the subweapons better to balance out the buffed whip.
Technically, it's a great sequel.
Why did they do Grant DaNasty so dirty? Why have they erased DaNasty from history?
I appreciate it for being different. However, Symphony of the Night was different and also good.
One of the best first entries in a series. Balanced weapons, tight pacing, good bosses. Sometimes too difficult.


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