I can't even begin to explain why this game is half as good as it is. The characters are so full of life, the bullet hell touhou esque battle system is so intuitive and fun, the lore and story is super well thought out, and of course the multiple endings based on how you decide to act. An RPG where no one has to die as it was advertised as, or an RPG where you stop at nothing to kill everyone. It specifically makes it HARDER to kill everyone to ensure it's the very last thing you think of dojng. The horror of playing this for the first time was truly something else man you jsut had to be there

I can't even begin to explain how many times I've ended up playi g this dumb shit fgame. It's in every Advance remake, 3D World has Luigi Bros. and I've played it on Wii VC and Wii U VC.

I'd stay up until 5 in the morning playing yhis game it's so much fun. I'm heavily interested in the professional community of this game (yes that exists)
The roster is fucking nuts actually it makes my mitubh water to look at. King K Rool in a Mario game is such a stranfe sight.
The gameplay is so much fun and I'll die if they ever majke another installment in this very small series

I loved this game as a kid. it was difficult for me to play NES titles when I was little but this one never struck me the same as the others. it came so late in the NES’s life that it felt like it belonged on another system.

My favorite Kirby game. Whether it be nostalgia talking or not, I do think at the end of the day regardless of my opinion it's just objectively a damn fun game

SO MUCH CONTENT. This game has so much to do it's baffling how much they added. Every time I think back to a new aspect I realize there's so much more.

New Copy Abilities:
Mecha (9/10)
Sand (10/10)

ONE OF MODERN KIRBY'S GREATEST. The gimmick was well intertwined with the level design and never felt put of place. The lore was fantastic and the overall vibe it gave off was one of a kind.

New Copy Abilities:
Doctor (6/10)
ESP (8/10)
Poison (7/10)

I remember feeling a sense of disappointment when this title released. But as the years passed my fondness for this game grew. It definitely holds some of my favorite memories from that era

this was my introduction to the Kirby franchise. My father had an atomic purple gameboy and had a bunch of random games I think he bought in bulk. this was one of them and I played it so much the battery exploded in the fucking game boy

finally. after all these years we received an update for the nether. insane update that changed the meta forever

the last bungie Halo title. Halo Reach my beloved. you're no Halo 2 but you're still awesome (better than 4 teehee)

Valve when they forget how to make bad games
that's it that's the review need I say more

for a free game I can’t complain too drastically but
the writing and dialogue is incredibly lame. They had the platform to really say something about suicide and teen depression caused by the online landscape and overall peer toxicity. but it comes across as nothing that hasn’t already been said before.
to label this as a silent hill game really does hurt the franchise’s appearance especially for new players who try it specifically because it’s free