jesus CHRIST MAN WHAT A GOOD GAME. A massive inspiration to me going forward. The strangle this game had me in as a kid was nuts

If Paper Mario: Color Splash has 100 fans I am one of them.
If Paper Mario: Color Splash has 4 fans I am one of them.
If Paper Mario: Color Splash has 1 fan I am one of them.
If Paper Mario: Color Splash has no fans I am dead.

me when the devs make like 4 games in 1 game but again and better sorry not sorry

it feeds us starving jet set fans a bountiful meal

The best 2D Mario platformer in recent years, and possibly the best yet. It brings a sort of whimsical vibe to the Video Game that people (me) really like.

It's trying to be what the fans want it to be but I think it's good for what it is. The discourse this poor game caused was unfair it really is just a good game

me when the devs make like 4 games in 1 game they craxy for that shit on god

also they added so many new copy abilities god damn

New Copy Abilities:

I first played this on the Wii U back in the days of yore. I love the level design and concept. It's super unique and very fun to play. Highly recommend (to the 4 of you who'll see this review) if you're a fan of 2D platformers or older NES era games.

To me, it's probably the weakest of the 4 playable campaigns in this game, but that's not to say it's bad. It's still great and would be rated higher if it wasn't for the other 3 being so good.

It's between this and King of Cards for the best campaign in Shovel Knight. But I think in the end this wins. If anyone needed a reason to play SK, this is it.

Definitely worth the wait. The level design is probably the best out of them all imo. Granted it's been awhile since I've played SoT, but KoC is very imaginative and wild. I crave more, Yacht Club, I need m,orej

valve just always hits man it's a shame they don't know how to count passed 2


there's a reason this game set an exponentially high standard