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8 hrs ago

Detchibe commented on Detchibe's list Cover Games for Magazines I've Archived
Added 14 new entries.

2 days ago

5 days ago

Detchibe commented on Detchibe's review of Yakyuuken
Back in February, the Japanese Game Preservation Society used this as part of their English history of erotic games in Japan (first in their newsletter, then expanded on TimeExtension). Pretty cool!

8 days ago

Detchibe commented on Detchibe's review of Burger King Orientation CD-i Training
Figured I might as well give a 6ish month update since folks something wonder where I went. I put some pieces up on BumpCombat and intend to do more but I have increasingly little interest in games as objects. At least insofar as objects to write about. I get a lot more enjoyment presently out of archiving games-adjacent materials, with a focus on bishoujo/eroge and coin-op stuff. You can find most of my stuff on or on GamingAlexandria. My Yakyuken history was used in part as the basis of Game Preservation Society's history of eroge a few months back. I am (still) working on more videos. My 177 video was plagiarized but things worked out. Honestly you can just scroll through my twitter feed to see what I'm up to.

I remain genuinely upset at being called a gooner repeatedly for the preservation of adult materials. I remain genuinely upset that my writing has led others to experience heinous works while ignoring their contexts. I remain genuinely upset that quality is drowned out by quantity here and elsewhere. Sorry but milquetoast 'reviews' about games where you can just replace the proper nouns and have it apply to any game are not interesting, so why put effort into writing on a platform that seems to prefer that over Real Shit?

I stream my archiving on Twitch. I am starting my MLIS soon. I feel happy about my presentation and appearance now and post selfies a lot on twitter. All my stuff is in my on my profile.

I might come back one day, but probably not. I'm not super comfortable talking about games outside of specific contexts. And I don't chase obscurities much anymore, I just play what seems interesting. Uhmm, that's it I think, bye!

10 days ago

Detchibe commented on Detchibe's review of 177
Just want to say the other folks who have left reviews that are jokes or lauding this for its 'philosophical value' need to get some perspective. For shame.

10 days ago

11 days ago

20 days ago

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