Played in 2022

Games I played in earnest for the first time in 2022

Only includes titles that were completed or played at length before abandoning

Games not on IGDB:

awake [droqen] - 3.5⭐
Hot Wheels King of the Road 1

That combat sequence blows chunks but oooh the aesthetic oooh the vibes.
All my homies love Zonk and his ability to fire car adapters.
It's cute! I don't really care about the story but taking pictures of animals? J'adore.
Another perfect length Treasure treasure. The DC version is unmitigated fun.
It's good and I got 21st in the world
HOT DAMN I love chore-centric games and this was a delight. More games need to focus on the parts of sports/real world activities that are generally omitted from their digital counterparts.
Hamm my beloved.
I don't even remember playing this but it must've kicked ass
Surprisingly fun even if you do have to see Chibipatra's toes constantly.
Entirely too easy but it's so cute I can't hold it against it.
It's Crimzon Clover again so I was onboard from the get-go. Arrange mode is a nice little addition, the cherry on top.
Holy shit they made Bust-a-Groove kick ass. The genre switches are dope and I love the idea of balancing your team's participation while still chasing score.
See: Deathsmiles Mega Black Label
Not as good as DS or DSMBL and the switch to 3D is a massive downgrade but it is still Deathsmiles and as such it kicks ass. And it's Chrimbo!
Have been playing on and off since 201X but this year marked my earnest foray into 1CCing STG. I love the mechanics, the aesthetic, the music, the scoring. So satisfying.
Surprisingly, even in my march to 100%, I never got bored or tired of marching across America. Though some decry the late game's ziplines for trivialising some climbs, getting to the point where you set up a zipline and maintaining that network is intensely satisfying. And the DualSense support!! Magnificent!
Nobody on Earth will ever believe me when I say this is a superb game. But it's okay, because I believe me.
Started this up as my first foray into the X68000 and fell in love instantly. It is so rough around the edges that I couldn't recommend it to most, and parts of it aggravate the hell out of me, but this is a technical marvel, pure and simple. Loved it enough to get a CiB copy shipped over from Japan. Also presented an opportunity to work with Shmuplations as I've been researching more about this monumental game that gets no recognition in the West.
By no means amazing and I see why it failed its location test but it's an interest enough romp for a lil bit.


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