42 Reviews liked by Dogez



Лучший симулятор космодесантника в индустрии на данный момент.

UPD: После дебильных решений Сони, кучи тупорылых нерфов и отсутствия стабильного нового контента игра начала подыхать. Мое приключение в ней на время прерывается.

Игра престолов меня переиграла и уничтожила. Я попал в самую очевидную ловушку тейлов и не заметил этого.

Сперва, если вы зачем-то читаете это - моё почтение. ГОТ является самой неизвестной и прями таки Богом забытой теллтейловской игрой. Более обскюрной является разве что игра по Джурассик парку, но чтобы помнить о ней нужно быть пиздец каким динозавром (бадум-тсс). Попасть на эту страницу - значит намеренно искать инфу об этой игре. Отличная работа, археолог.

Самая очевидная претензия к игре - это её привязка к сериалу. Если глянуть на другие игры студии, можно заметить очень важную особенность: сюжетно проекты включены в лор, но не пересекаются с каноничной историей, или по крайней мере не претендуют на её место. Ли не дружит с Риком Граймсом, у Майна как такого нет канона, Назад в будущее является продолжением, у Бэтмена че угодно будет каноном, там вообще поебать. Не знаю как там Вулф амонг ас, думаю принцип тот же. Привязка к вселенной дает игроку уже знакомый сеттинг и примерное направление истории, сами тейлы могут реализовать че угодно, пока работают со своими персонажами. У престолов же с этим есть проблемы.

Персонажи сериала зачастую переходят грань "просто камео", тем самым руиня игроку погружение. Ну нахуя мне сотрудничать с карликом, если я знаю, что по лору сериала его посадят в тюрьму? Зачем мне пиздиться с Болтоном, если я знаю что он по канону должен жить дальше? Зачем мне поддержка Сноу, если он не собирается идти со мной за стену (опять же, по канону сериала)? Очень конечно клево, что на озвучку позвали тех самых актеров, да и глянуть на персонажей с другой перспективы было довольно интересно. Однако как на самостоятельную историю это оказывает не самый хороший эффект.

Впрочем, главная претензия не в этом. Игра - просто симулятор унижения. Все 6 эпизодов нас гнобят, бьют, принижают, просто нахуй убивают. И особо не важно что вы делаете - бешено пытаетесь всех всячески попустить или гордо живете под лозунгом "Озон терпел и нам велел". Тейлы в классической манере не оставляют выбора, с намеченного курса не сдвинуться.

Ну и напоследок. Проходить это в 2023 не имеет никакого смысла, так как сюжет просто обрывается, а продолжения нет и не будет. Те же ходячие успешно подводили черту под каждым сезоном. Это были отдельные законченные истории, воспринимать которые можно без учета продолжения/предыстории. Тут - хуй с маслом, ни одна сюжетка вам не даст ответов или удовлетворения. Только смерть может быть хоть сколько-то осмысленным концом (и то не для всех персонажей).

Ввиду обскюрности я забыл про этот факт, в итоге мощно и сочно поел говна. Не повторяйте моих ошибок.

Бастард, ты думал что-то здесь будет? О, нет. От тебя воняет говном, даже отсюда чувствую. Закрывай, закрывай ворота, иди нахуй. Оруженосец крутой, а ты лоханулся, сука. Аа, блядь. А.

За спиной пока что только 4 часа - ни капельки не скучно. Интересная идея с адекватной реализацией. Общая кривость и эдакая "поебитость" только усиливает веселье. Игра ощущается как бредовый сон и это охуенно.
Пока что под вопросом сколько тут вообще контента и насколько игра реально может завлечь, но пока что топ.



Fuuuuuuckkkk.....you couldn't make a game pertaining to my interests harder than this in any number of lifetimes.

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cw: Personal trauma talk, cop talk, and misogny talk

I'm a complete hypocritical wuss. I think we all are, and I don't mean to shine a spotlight on myself and pretend I'm the only one who experiences this. Far from it. But there's really no other way to open this review, y'know? That's the straight dope, that's what this is gonna be about: the weird hypocrisy I have the most Concentrated Emotions about.

I love cop dramas, and I always have. Maybe I always will. I hate cops, and have since at least when I was 14. Nothing in particular 'happened' at the time. I grew up the daughter of an accountant and a P.I.. I grew up around tons of cops, my father (the detective type I just mentioned) hated them, but they were the people he had to work with so y'know. I grew up in some shitty apartment in a town of mostly immigrants in the American South. They were shitty American South cops the whole time I knew them, but I didn't know how to feel. Until, as I said, I was about 14 and I just kinda realized I fucking hated them. I wouldn't have a cop encounter with a cop until years later, when someone would try to kill me and the police at my university laughed me off when I asked for help. I was under no impression they would help me, honestly, but they were the first person I saw, so I thought I'd ask. But still, hypocritically, I love cop dramas.

Every cop drama is about one of three things, in my experience: being too old, too young, or too much of a woman. I've always been able to relate. Funnily enough, ever since I was a child, people would comment that I acted like an old person, and thought like one too. So, when you pull up a cop drama about some old guy feeling like he's part of the past on my TV, it doesn't matter how young I am: I'll always related. This is the Police 2 tries it's hand at all three of these conflicts. And, most importantly, it's relationship with policework is unplaceable.

Something I fail to see brought up in reviews of TitP2 is that it's a Belarussian game. One of the first countries accepted into the Soviet Union, and one of the ones hit hardest by the collapse enforced upon it. It's easy to read into the uncomfortable mundanity of the player's crimefighting efforts, and how they might reflect American policing. Or, by extension, Belarussian policing. But, to truly see the depth of the interactions, I reccomend viewing each of your attempts at policing under the guise of the 'new police force' which took the former Soviet states overnight. In mainland Russia, specifically, the Russian mafia families would do the policing (with American assistance) while the newer police forces and government heirarchy were formed. The aesthetics of the 90s cop drama, particularly Silence of the Lambs and it's character dynamics in Police 2's case, are transplanted onto this relationship. With the former sheriff being killed, Lily Reed is expected to take their place overnight. Regardless of her abilities, she doesn't feel at all prepared. And that's where you, the player, come in, taking on the role of her mob-connected mentor.

We finally get to talk about the gameplay of the video game now! Sorry for making you wait! If you played the first game, it's that but with some more to it. Once more, but with feeling, etc etc. You send cops out on jobs, sometimes they're false alarms. Other times, something's up, and you enter a choose your own adventure mode to solve the case. The phrasing is terribly mundane and vile. In one case, you happen upon a homeless man attacking people for money out of desperation. The in game options in such a scene will likely read something like this: Threaten to kill the homeless creep, attack the homeless man with your baton, or use a taser on the hobo. It varies in how much hatred it will treat the subject with at seemingly random, and even the ones lacking hatred are grossly impersonal. Just reading the text "hit them with your baton" lacks any sort of visceral detail, but when the following results slide says "the offender is dead" or "the offender has been caught", there's universally some discomfort. In reality, the police report should read as grossly detailed if handled correctly. Here, each time it's just the one sentence.

New additions to your police brutality management sim involve personality traits for your officers. None of these are good. Some of your officers are gonna be straight-up misognists, and refuse to work with women unless you threaten to fire them. Some are heavy drinks, and they'll crash on the way back from the job and end up in the hospital for four or five days. It's a stresser. But, the most notable new addition is tactical missions. Turn-based tactical RPG-style encounters where you can either stealth through and arrest every suspect, or create a bloodbath on your way to the win screen. There's no real tangible benefit to sparing lives here. In fact, it just makes it harder for you to do. But, it helps you as the player feel a bit better about what you're doing. So, y'know, of course I did it every time. I'm an empathy machine sometimes, it's hard to stop me from feeling bad about an in-game murder.

These mostly make the experience more interesting, and tougher overall compared to the first game. I like them, and they help play into this whole 'episodic' tv-like structure the game drills into your head. Shows like Homicide: Life on the Street, where a series of random weekly escapades happens before being wrapped around into a broader point.

Despite what I said earlier, I don't think the points about police corruption and abuse have nothing to do with the story. In fact, I think it plays it what makes my favorite part of this narrative, Lily Reed, so compelling. Every cop in this series is is treated with utter revulsion and disdain. I'd go as far as to say there's something unlikeable in every single man we see in this game. Except for Lily, who is this unfortunate paragon we see broken time and time again. From the start of the narrative, she's not even perfect, but she's at least trying. Unlike every person around her. Whenever she appears on screen, I dreaded whatever was about to happen. Most reviews of this game I've seen lament the game entirely because of these cutscenes.

It's easy to label the responses to Reed's characterization as sexism. It probably is in some cases, but I think it's fair to say most gamers only really 'get' comedy narratives and ironic humor when it's told to them about as explicitly as Starship Troopers would have it. There's a very Coen Brothers-esque tone to the comedy present in most cutscenes, but it's never 'funny' like those films would be. All the archetypes of a Coen Classic appear here, delivering their usual lines, but because most of it is in reaction to Lily or corrupt temp-sheriff Jack Boyd, it's hard to laugh like I have at Fargo so many times before now. To most, this seems to read as a failure to create a truly comedic product. That, or they believe it creates a tonal dissonance between how Lily is treated and how they're supposed to feel in the moment.

The purpose of this tonal choice, at least in it's effect, is to problematize the dark comedy often used in film of the last two or three decades. Even when attempting to magnify the horrible aspects of misogny for comedic effect, there is rarely ever a strong stance against misogny being made, or anything deeper going on. It simply remains a unique depiction of the concept.

I wanted to write some more stuff here, but I'm really runnin' outta juice right now and I know if I don't post this review now I'll never remember to do it, y'know? Probably just some sentence or two where I complain about Tarantino and the casual sexism his movies have inspired within the film world, or some other selfish point on my part of that nature. I don't know, check this game out? I like it a lot.



Bought someone this as a gift and wanted to replay the opening because of my fond memories of this game. I ended up playing through the entire game in one sitting. Even better than I remember.

Good, good shit. I really love this game, I think only once a year do I get to say a piece of art is the exact thing I've been writing in the written/performance format for years but done five times as skillfully. Last year, the thing that did that to me was Phantom of the Paradise. I mean really, it disabled my ability to act. I stopped caring about making art entirely, and I just wanted to watch and study Phantom of the Paradise. I was forced, from it's sheer resonance with my person, to become a historian and not an architect, if that makes sense to you.

This piece was instead inspired. It's so very simple in every one of it's aspects, and yet playing it instantly made me addicted to it's narrative rhymes. I replayed it up to nine times to get every little achievement I could in it. What was at first a quest to find more adornments to dress my already positive opinion with instead became, fittingly for the game's content, an internalized discourse. Nothing as simple as "what it means?". But rather: "What do I do now that these tools are fresh in my mind?".

To cut back on that talk about narrative format and metaphorical interpretation, which I am by no means equipped to make an interesting thoughtpiece on, I instead want to implore you to play this simply for it's variety alone. Visual novels tend to have this effect- when the gameplay structure is so simple you end up having more options to vary the narrative content with. I played this game nine times over. I cried at the fourth and eighth time, but that isn't to say my experience wasn't mentally enriching those other times. Slay The Princess exceeds in variation. Just when you thought the story could only go so many ways, you accidentally discover a new branch and you can't help but gleam with joy at the opportunity. And the best part is you know it won't suddenly 'end well' this time, either. In less clever games, they would describe this game's endings as a series of fail states with no true 'good ending'. But as a player, you learn quickly there's no way to actually do 'right'. You are simply experimenting, essentially playing with a faux-sentient being in a tragical romance sandbox. This relationship will always end with tragedy, and you have to 'write' interesting ways for it to fail. The narrative instantly absolves you of any guilt, but if you're inclined to replay it over and over you're likely to care at some level anyway.

I love writing, and I hope you can love it too. At the very least, it's nice to see some playful writing like this even if you're not so invested in the concept.

Самый эпичный и навороченный шутер всех времен и народов.


Это было просто невероятно, это было просто АХУЕННО. На самом деле я не верил в эту часть, я вообще уже не верил в то, что кампания колды может быть по-настоящему эпохальной, но возвращение Девида Гойера (сценарист БО1 и БО2, а так же кучи известных вам фильмов) и тот факт, что за создание кампании и мультиплеера отвечало по сути дело две разных студии, заставили весь мир охуеть от невероятной истории про холодную войну. На самом деле сингл этой части войдет точно в мой пантеон самых крутых игр мира за все его существование, потому что то что сделала команда разрабов здесь просто не поддается уму.

Во-первых это эволюция в плане геймплея, я просто охуел от всего то, что они смогли засунуть в игру. Это и взлом замков с компами, и огромная вариативность на некоторых уровнях, и отличный и приятный геймплей за технику, и очень продуманный стелс на уровне Дизонореда или Прея, и наверно лучшая баллистика и чувствительность оружия которую я только видел в серии, а так же этот основной хаб с его головоломками и паззлами, которые нужно решать как в старых квестах из нулевых и все это блять нахуй в КАЛДЕ, вы можете в это поверить?

Во-вторых сюжет и атмосфера, Гойер относясь здесь пиздец как с душой к игре, как будто он сам проявил инициативу и позвонил студии мол у меня тут пиздец сердце горит игру хочу сделать и они ему сказали да. Очень умная история с мощным подтекстом о том, что в холодной войне на самом деле не было героев или злодеев, были лишь две страны, которые защищали свои идеалы друг от друга, что обе стороны совершали ужасные поступки ради достижения главной цели, а самое крутое, что в конце, после того как ты узнаешь правду про обе стороны тебе дается выбор, от которого кардинально зависит концовка.

РейвенСофтвеер подняли планку колды на такой уровень, что теперь любой возврат в обычные пострелушки будет означать для серии по сути шаг назад, теперь им остается только развивать идеи из этой игры и продолжать создавать из сингла все больше и больше иммерсив сим, оказывается колде это очень к лицу.

Отдельная благодарность за ахуительные референсы к события БО1, миссию на Ямантау и миссию во Вьетнаме, когда нам ебут мозги, да и за миссию в Москве тоже спасибо. А еще охуительный саундтрек от Джека Вола на уровне МВ2 и БО2, многие темы из которого уже в моем плейлисте.

Единственный недостаток - графоний, который застрял на уровне Крайзиса 3, хорошо хоть визуальный дизайн и ретрейсинг сглаживают общее впечателение. Кто бы мог подумать что спустя столько лет, я буду ТАК хвалить колду, вот уж калвар удивил, вот уж.

Had a great time with this, I was lucky not to experience many bugs. Really hope they can refine the formula through some DLC or an eventual sequel. Story held up pretty well except for the ending.

Тайна островалийского фазмида > основной сюжет.

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what other games have both a musical and a snuff film?

Great use of colors and contraste. Kino

"It's not a lake, it's an ocean."

Remedy has created something special here, and you can tell they put lots of thought and care into it.