Obligatory Ranked List of All The Final Fantasy games I've played

Spinoffs are also included because fuck u Crystal Bearers rules

The woke liberals put politics in Final Fantasy.
Everything up to the Ice Cave bit is immaculate. Like, you can criticize the rest if you feel so inclined, but that Disc 1 is probably the best expression of classic jrpgs the genre has ever had.
Turns out they had already made a Final Fantasy setpieced-based action game way before XVI. This one is better too! (I assume. I haven't played XVI)
A lot of exciting stuff (fun costumes, freeform structure, boatloads of side content) exalted and elevated by the writing being kinda ass
I played this about 5 times, and always got about 70% through it but somehow I never actually completed it.

I think there's some curse stuff going on, cause I even tried to watch the LRR playthrough of it and somehow I also ended up not finishing watching that.

Aside from that, the game's pretty good.
This probably doesn't hit as hard for me, cause I didn't play it in the 90s, but hey, it's still pretty great.
Final Fantasy for a post 9/11 world. Ijustthinktheyreneat.jpg
If you play it while pretending it's 1987 this is the greatest game ever. Fortunately, tho, it isn't 1987 and Margaret Thatcher is dead.
I get to listen/play Crimson Blitz over and over and over again for the rest of eternity (but with a touch screen!).
Ranking this low so people get angry. Come and shout at me internet! I have the brave and important opinion that Final Fantasy VII is "ok", and I shan't be silenced!
It's a Saturday morning cartoon, if there ever was a Saturday morning cartoon where the protagonist is a Freelancer Ninja Hunter Barbarian that hits people with two swords 8 times in a row each turn. Also something something job system.
I get to listen/play Crimson Blitz over and over and over again for the rest of eternity.
This is ok. It's baseline Final Fantasy.
I like Tower Defense games and I like Final Fantasy. This is alright.
This one doesn't have Crimson Blitz.
They took the politics out of Tactics cause Matt Walsh boycotted Final Fantasy. The combat and progression system and stuff are still sort of fun tho.
I had a Japanese copy of this as a kid and I remember having a lot of fun with it. Probably doesn't hold up but I'm not going back to check
Gonna rank this a bit higher than the other ones I don't like cause my friend Adam loves this game.
A bunch of exciting stuff (first next-gen final fantasy, good combat, Nomura character designs) sunk by the writing being kinda ass
I played this as a teenager and don't remember much of it. Sometimes I have to google it just to check if it was an actual game that actually released or just something I dreamed up.
Never finished it. Didn't vibe with it. Everyone in it has a GF so I can't relate.
I ran around the starting city for like five hours because it was super pretty and the music was nice, but then I remembered that I'm just not into mmos.
What if Final Fantasy but Budokai Tenkaichi. But again and with more stuff.
What if Final Fantasy but Budokai Tenkaichi. (What if not)


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