Something so captivating about this game. There really isn't any other rpg maker game like it.

Delightful game. Good mechanics, fun character designs, good music. Outside of some glitches this is a lovely time

Yeah people weren't lying. Thats the best ending in the series

Oh man I love that time bullshit. Give m
e the most incomprehensible story you can think if, I'll eat it up. Only flaw is the pacing gets dragged down on paces. Like I don't want to spend an extra hour putzing around hojos lab

Hell yeah. Not as much my speed as Fromsoft's other titles, but this was still cool af

This is if Hades and Vampire Survivors had a baby. Kinda leans too far past "homage" into "low-key copied" in terms of the stuff it takes from Hades. It's still in early access, so I hope as time goes forward the game can develop its own identity a bit more.

That being said I really enjoy what they're cooking

Alan really needs a beak dude

Only two acts are out right now, but I'm confident giving this full marks. It's a Devil May Cry shooter. It's awesome

Good fighter. Lack of good netcode has me not wanting to play online at all though. I'll wait for Rising to drop before really putting time in.

Favorite game of the year. Almost not even close, but this years been kinda stacked

First one I've played on the dragon engine. Nothing really to add other than I thought ti was really good

Super solid. First game's story was more solid, but all the additions and improvements were worth it.

Undertale is really good. Crazy opinion, I know. Its music in particular is really nice, crazier opinion

Idk. Maybe I missed the bus, but this one didn't scare me at all. It's a neat concept.

It's a collectathon that I actually completed. Unless it's mario, that's rare