Tries to be F-Zero and fails very hard at it

Since its free, all I can say is that its pretty harmless. I even quite like that superboost mechanic

A great spinoff with a fairly solid detective story.

I get that the game had a horrible launch. But factually speaking, today, the game is fine. The fighting is solid and there's a decent selection of modes.

The story mode is awful through.

Some dumb puzzle game i didnt care for

I don't quite know what to make of Signalis. I sure enjoyed it. But the game is so absurdly vague I'm actually having difficulty talking about it.

Well, what is clear, is that on the gameplay side, it's pretty tight. It's very traditional survival horror in the best possible way. The game has a rather nice difficulty curve, with the first area being pretty easy by those standards, but eventually, the game removes the kid gloves and gives you what you expect out of that genre and to that, I applaud it.

The plot.....well, saying it's vague is like saying the sky is blue. And from what I've gathered, it's on purpose, and that's fine. The creators of the game even seemed....turned off by fan theorizing over what's going on. And that's a little weird to me.

I think what's weird with Signalis is that the deep lore is actually pretty clear cut. If you bother to read the files, throughout a single playthrough, you should be able to figure out the general idea about the intergalactic civil war and the vibe this empire gives. But what's going front of you? Like......basic shit......why are there monsters trying to attack you? What happened at this facility?

Not a damn clue.

It's a weird choice, but I will admit that this does set Signalis apart. It makes the game feel like....a nightmare, and in that sense, it very much suceeds, so even through as a lore guy, it can be a little frustrating, the game is doing something unique and I respect it for it.

All and all, a solid game with interesting choices, that I will be coming back to.

Surprisingly decent final outing for the classic Hudsoft Mario Party lineup. The motion controls do age this game a little bit but at the time, were pretty cool

FF Tactics is brutal, in every sense. It's one of the hardest games I've ever played for sure.

Yet it was so worth it.

The game is merciless but allows you an insane amount of freedom in the building of each of your units that by the time you do get that absolutely broken build you've wished you had the entire game, you'll be in heaven.

Couple that with a rich story with a very heavy ending, that, will leave your reflecting on for days, did Delita do the right thing? Will the people one day awake to the fact that Ramza was the hero, or is he condemned to be shunned by history? Do the end justifies the mean?

Not everyone will love this game, I myself got quite frustrated at it sometimes, but I can only respect such unfiltered artistic vision.

Just as mid as the other 2 Donkey Konga games, but this one has the edge for two things
1. It has the opening theme of Dragon Ball Z
2. It's a japanese exclusive, which gives it mystery vibes

Final Fantasy XVI is a very complicated game, with some very high highs going into masterpiece territory, yet full of incredibly questionable choices that unfortunately bog it down. Thats actually how I felt about the last two FFs, 15 and 7Remake, still, 16 remains much stronger than those two.

The cast, characters, presentation, acting, music is all top of the notch stuff. And while being a graphics whore isnt my thing, it actually helps this game with how crazy it wants to get with its epic battles.

The story was well put toghether and engaging up until a certain point, it suffer from pacing issues, and similarly to Persona 5 but even worse, plays its good cards too early. The opening of this game all contained within the demo, is so insanely good I told myself something was off. The game didnt really lie so much as the story expanded into a scope that was too much for its own good. The game claims to be inspired by Game of Thrones and at the beginning, it seems like it is, there's even Tactics vibes in there. But as the game goes on, you realise that the game is actually stubbornly traditional to JRPG tropes. Clive gives a power of friendship speech during the final boss ffs. To FF16's credit, it does those tropes well, better than most even. It's just that the evil god monster Ultima will never feel as personal as your mother did in the early hours of the game.

The combat is simplistic but really fun. Racking up damage multipliers by combining your different moves toghether in the most efficient way possible is a rush I cant describe, but the game relies a little too much on it, never is there any puzzle, any mini game or anything of the sort. Now FF has admitedly never been the best at those but I dont think throwing all of it out all toghether was the awnser. Because now, with FF16's bloated length, reduced RPG elements and for the most part boring sidequests (there actually are good ones in there), what comes off is a 45 hour long hack and slash, and it can burn you out.

And really, that's FF16's biggest sin. The gameplay only consists of 1. Walking to the waypoint 2. Fighting stuff

The combat is the best part of the game, so its great that the game puts its best asset first and foremost. But the lack of mini games or.....anything else to do coupled with the mandatortmy filler content and a story that derails in the final act leads to a game feeling like a complete drag.

All in all, I liked FF16. A very flawed but weirdly very good game

Excitebike 64 is a good looking dirtbite simulator with a respectable selection of modes......and I dont see the appeal.

It controls very poorly, which i presume is supposed to be realistic but.....its just boring. It really dosent help that the other big 64 racers, Mario Kart 64, Diddy Kong Racing and F-Zero X, blow it out of the water

A mechanically very solid game. For its time, it ran and looked exceptionally well. It's kind of a shame about the rest of what constitutes this package is a very light selection of levels, and those levels are honnestly the worst out of the non-2 Devil May Cry games.

Devil May Cry 5 simultaneously retroactivly helps and hurts this game. Helps because it makes the story less of a bother, with it seeing now as a stepping stone so Nero can fully come into his own. But hinders because you now have a game that boasts the same high level combat mechanics, or even better, in a much more compelling package with a better atory and level design.

Good game, but you can skip if youre not really into Devil May Cry

Great fighter with an amazing roster, if a little bare on solo content by the standards of the time it was released

Enjoyable enough, but very stiff