321 reviews liked by Dunebot72

You can't take my memories away from me

Note: when I was much younger, I used to get sidetrack into the fishing aspect of the game due to the fear of having to return to the forsaken God of the Sea Temple.

Got bored, beat this entire game in one day, for like the 8th time in my life.

"I peed on your wife, Robotnik. She's mine now."

I truly didn't know how Nintendo could top Breath of the Wild. I was nervous in the week leading up to this games release because I was plagued with the thought of "what if it's not as good as the last one? I don't like crafting/survival games. What if this is the first Zelda game that just isn't for me?"

Oh, how good it feels to be wrong.

This is, quite possibly, the best video game I have ever played. Tears of the Kingdom doesn't just clear the bar set by its predecessor – it flies high over it, expanding on the world of Hyrule in ways that I thought weren't originally possible. The sandbox elements of TOTK's world always had me wondering what contraption could be made to solve an issue or what bizarre combinations were possible through fusion. It frequently elicited moments where I asked myself "did the devs intend for me to do that?" and the answer was often "no, but I bet they created this toolkit with infinite possibilities in mind."

preordering this game and getting it at the day of launch with my friends to then play it with my family in the living room is a genuine core memory. It is like botw in all the elemnts i loved in it. Though maybe because its a similar (not the same by any means) map i think it didnt have that 'this is new' factor. But the amount of stuff to do lead me to sink 150 hours into this game in one summer; i really think its another deserved 5 stars

The only limit is your imagination

Kinda like BOTW, except i wanted to 100% it. Adding building to the game really makes me want to play Kerbal, except i dont want to do math

I'm no shadow. I die like a thousand times

I nutted across the universe with this game