Incredible DLC for an incredible game.
Not perfect but funny and solid, I loved Oolacile Township and the bosses offered by this DLC. A bit too short though.
Artorias is truly amazing.

This is my first Souls experience and I loved it.
From the gameplay to the art direction, Dark Souls really is a masterpiece and I had lots of hours of fun with it.
The only problem is the second half of the game, characterized by a poor level design, recycled bosses and various issues. I still had a great time with it, but you can really feel the gap between the first and the second half. Honestly, such a pity.

An overwhelming and unique experience that anyone should try to enjoy. It's something different from anything you will ever play.
I think it's useless to give any further detail. Just play it and explore Outer Wilds yourself.

I actually didn't expect this to be this good. Level design is awesome and the gameplay is incredibly fun. Boss battles are great, although they are just three, and the plot is very good.
Unfortunately the final boss was a bit disappointing.
It would be an almost perfect game if it had more bosses and a great final one.

Great game, totally worth playing even today. Great pixelart, good musics, very good dungeons and tons of items to collect. It may be found a bit difficult, so I recommend using a guide in that case.

An overall solid game, with a funny and dynamic gameplay. However, the plot is interesting but not exceptional, and the characters are terrible, without any trace of development.
I also found a few problems with bugs, but nothing too annoying.

Literally terrible. Gameplay adds seemed nice in the beginning but then became tedious and exaggeratedly hard for some reason. Dropped at night 5 because I couldn't take it anymore.
Unfortunately it's just another fail in the franchise.

What a game. Impressive for its time, still incredible nowadays. Story and characters are great, as well as musics and setting, and the gameplay is super fun. The ending hits hard, I can't think of a better one.
Totally recommended.

A very solid installment in AC series, underrated in my opinion. Enhanced gameplay, good story and main character(s), good musics and incredible historical reconstruction.

Being the end of Ezio's journey, this game was incredible. Still, it has some flaws and the setting is not as interesting as the previous were.

A very good game and chapter of AC series. It's a direct continuation of ACII both in the story and in the gameplay, but the new adds are appreciable.

This game literally takes everything from AC1, improves it and adds what was missing.
Truly a wonderful experience in a beautiful setting and introducing my favorite main character in history of videogames.
Terribly close to perfection if you enjoy this type of gameplay, absolutely a must-play.

Nice game but with many flaws.
Personally I really don't like turn-based combat system and this was the biggest problem for me.
On the other hand, I loved the artstyle, humour and characters.
The story was alright, but it wasn't really that good.
The difficulty was totally unbalanced, there are too many bosses that are just too powerful and/or frustrating (examples: Jealous Bass and Barrier Trio).

It's a solid experience with many wonderful ideas in it, but also many problems and wasted opportunities, so I don't really feel like it deserves more than four stars.

A very nice and short first chapter for a game that looks promising. Still, nothing incredible.