This was a a really great game with a combat system that was really fleshed out and fun to master, a high difficulty curve making the challenge to it really nice. Enjoyable and well thought out characters. And a surprisingly gripping story that had me on edge nearly the entire time. Can't wait for the sequel/dlc. 9/10


I went into DOOM Eternal already knowing it was going to be great, but I didn't expect it to be this god damn good. This game took everything that was great about DOOM 2016 and refined them the the point of perfection and added so many incredibly new mechanics and some of the best gameplay I've ever experienced.

The first aspect of DOOM Eternal I want to talk about is it's difficulty. I played this game on Ultra-Violence and I can confidently say that at the time of this review. DOOM Eternal is the hardest game I have ever played. Even thought I've played games like Hades which took me around 40 hours to beat and DOOM Eternal only took me around 20, this game was just far more challenging than anything else I've ever gone against. Even after fighting them multiple times the enemies in this game remain ruthless, unpredictable and will fuck you over immediately if you even think about slipping up. The game is incredibly tough, but it's fair.

One of my favorite changes in this game is all the changes to the enemies. In DOOM 2016 the game was still great, but it had a certain lack of variety. Really all the enemies were just "Shoot it until it dies" and repeat until the game ends. Now every enemy in the game has some exploitable weakness, like how if you shoot the cannons on the Mancubi's arms they'll come off so he can't damage you at range, or how if you shoot a grenade inside the Cacodemons mouth it'll instantly become staggered making for a quick glory kill to get a health boost. As you continue to meet more and more new enemies you'll need to use your equipment and guns in more creative ways and each part of the game's puzzle piece combat comes together.

Next, let's talk about the soundtrack. I thought that Mick Gordon could not surpass DOOM 2016's soundtrack with some fucking bangers like BFG Division. But holy shit he did such a better job with the soundtrack of this game. I honestly don't think I would like this game as much as I did if it wasn't for the soundtrack.

DOOM Eternal was not the game I was expecting, but I loved it anyway. So many parts in this game are going to be permanently ecched into my mind because of how great of an experience this game was. I can undoubtedly say that this was one of the best games I played this year. I give it a high 9.5/10


One of the best parts about DOOM 1993 is how simple it is in concept, yet manages to be still be extremely fun. Really, the whole game is just, "Here's a gun, shoot everything." The problem with DOOM 1993 is that it can get boring due to a lack of variety in how the player approaches the game. What makes DOOM 2016 so great is how It took all the annoying parts about DOOM 1993 improved them, and made them super fun to use.

First I want to talk about some of the annoying mechanics from 1993 that were significantly improved in 2016, the best of which is keeping your guns when you die. When you died in Doom 1993, you would lose all your guns, armor, and extra health of any sort, this made certain sections of the game requiring literal hours to beat when playing on higher difficulties due to the lack of equipment. Now that whenever you find a gun you keep it permanently you can stop cursing the game because it was probably your fault you died.

Moving on, this is easily one of the best fps games ever. The strength of DOOM has always been in it's intensity without being inaccessible to more casual or inexperienced players, you will definitely die numerous times but overcoming those challenges feels so satisfying.

The gunplay in this game is just overall amazing, each weapon is different from one another, has they're own strengths and uses (Except the chaingun which sucks ass) and can all be upgraded into different fire modes which can also be upgraded to provide more advantages which will benefit you in numerous ways in the long run.

Soundtrack wise this has to be one of the best pieces of video game music I have ever had the pleasure of hearing. Mick Gordon has managed to create an absolute masterpiece in music and will forever be remembered for creating this phenominal soundtrack.

There are so many great things about this game from it's deep gameplay, beautiful soundtrack, and great difficulty, this will forever be one of the best games I've ever played. Overall: 9/10/


The orginal Doom is a very interesting game. It basically made the template for thousands of fps'. The difference being is that in most modern first person shooters, the game stays the same where you just shoot someone, go behind cover, and repeat until the game is over. The thing that makes Doom so unique is that if you try to hide behind cover for more than half a second you're going to get fucked immediately.

The gameplay of Doom is the kind that constantly encourages you to be on the move, you always have to be focusing on the horde of enemies that's right in front of you while also constantly looking at your ui to make sure you have enough health, armor, and ammo for the enemies you have to deal with.

Most the enemies in this game are pretty easy to deal with except when there are lots of them, being stuck in a room even with only one enemy can be because of the damage they can do sometimes. The bosses in this game are super easy to deal with when you fight them one on one, but they become huge obstacles when they start becoming enemies that appear more and more often.

This game can be very fun to play and has some cool mechanics overall, but it is still a very flawed experience. One of my main gripes with this game is that it is hard. Not even tough but fair, but horse shit hard. The third hardest difficulty is the most tough but fair difficulty in the game but even then it is just loaded with broken enemy spawns, absurd amounts of damage from far distances, and areas where health and ammo are basically non-existent. But the main thing that makes this game so difficult to play is that whenever you die, you lose all your guns, ammo, (Except your pistol and 50 bullets for it.) and armor. Some sections of this game become basically unplayable without weapons like the shotgun or the plasma rifle and there are tons of areas where the enemies who drop the weapons or ammo for those guns aren't even there.

Even with all the games major flaws and poor design choices, this game was revolutionary and there are quite literally countless games that wouldn't be here without it. If you like fps games then you should definitely give it a shot. 7/10

Overwatch but somehow worse

What up y'all? It's Ceez in the builds
And when I'm in the game, I like to style with my kills
You know that I am the king of dusty
You trying too hard, but you smellin' mad musty
Killin' me? You must be mistaken
Because it's your life, that I will be takin'
Wah wah wah, now you crying to your mommy
But guess what papi? Now you back in the lobby
Yeet! Ooh! Gameplay real ratchet
Other players in the realm, you know they can not match it
And when we done, we hit 'em with a dance
I boogie with my feet, then I boogie with my hands
Triggered trash kids when they salt is increased
Sorry, gotta go, double g, double peace (ahh yeet!)
Triggered trash kids, when they salt is increased
Sorry, gotta go, double g, double peace (ahh yeet!)
I'm in the hilltops, views real nice
I got the kill shot, you will die
When I aim, one prayer equals one life
Man I told you, they talk about my snipes
You no scope? I quick scope, you will choke
The loud bang make you jump, for real though
You real slow when you crouch
I gotchya, now you're in the lobby, wonderin' who shot ya?
Always hype, never lowkey
I'm the king, yeah you know me
Steady shot, I'm an OG
Hear that? 'Cause I'm coming for the trophy
Fortnite! Fortnite let's go
I get it all night, all night fo sho
I'm on that fortnite, fortnite let's go
I get it all night, all night fo sho
Yeah, yeah
I got a green submachine gun, dude sick
Everybody's building ramps, that's useless
If I keep hoppin' around, they can't shoot me
He got lucky when he hit me with that boogie
I don't care, if they're snipin' and scopin'
I'm really low on health, I'll just heal in the open
Slidin' down a mountain only takes a little damage
Oh look! There's a shed with a scar and a bandage
Oh yes, I just killed another pleb
Call me black widow baby, walk into my web
Here fishy fishy, look at all the goodies
Lock you inside, take advantage of the rookies
Open up a window and lay down the spikes
You try to break free, but it's over, say goodnight
I make it look easy, it ain't that hard
Surprise, you just activated my trap card
Hold up! Everybody be quiet
Don't want the enemy seein' me when I'm hiding
Ducked in the bushes, never see me spying
Silencer on the pistol, you on the ground crying
I'm flying off the launchpad, landing in the trees
Sniped from above, peeking through the leaves
Playin' hide and seek, yeah, I'm deadly with the squeeze
Listen, you can look around, but you'll never find me, haha
Always hype, never low key
I'm the king, yeah you know me
Steady shot, I'm an OG
Hear that? 'Cause I'm coming for the trophy
Fortnite, fortnite let's go
I get it all night, all night fo sho
I'm on that fortnite, fortnite let's go
I get it all night, all night fo sho (yeah, yeah)
Fortnite, fortnite let's go
I get it all night, all night fo sho
I'm on that fortnite, fortnite let's go
I get it all night, all night fo sho
Pull out the blueprints, got the world in my pocket
Quad wall, throwin' up a ramp then I cock it
You got an RPG shooting rockets
It's gonna make you down youself, when I block it
Now watch this, fallin' to your death out of my place
Got the highground, now I'm shootin' from a skybase
Keep it going up
Mats triple nine mate, bye mate
Wish that you could see the look on my face
I'm Elite baby, don't you see the outfit?
Double pumps don't matter, man I got this
Shoot a rocket, and pop a mini at the same time
If you put a scar in my hand, then it's game time
Got a sniper, a shotty, I'm unstoppable
I'm droppin' you, I'm dancin' on top of you
Am I top tier? Go and ask the last dude
Uninstall the game, because honestly you're trash dude

This review contains spoilers
