The regular JRPG Joe.

For every hero called Edge, there is an elf called Nigel.


2 months ago

@Schmliff0 - That everyday name of Tidus!

2 months ago

I've only known backwater southerners called Tidus.

2 months ago

The MC of Vandal Hearts is named Ash and the second game lets you name the hero but apparently his default name is Joshua.

2 months ago

Great list! The MC of Tales of the Abyss is named Luke.

2 months ago

@bellwoods - Good shout! I haven't played that yet as it was never officially released in this country. I have it in the backlog now though.

2 months ago

@CrossofFate - Yep those are good suggestions thanks! I've played both but never got around to beating them. Only one I finished was Flames of Judgement weirdly. We don't talk about that one, though the lead characters name is Tobias which is pretty traditional....

2 months ago

@FallenGrace Thanks! Sticking with tactical RPGs everyone in the other Front Mission games have pretty normal names. 2 has two main characters named Ash and Lisa, in 3 you’re a Japanese guy named Kazuki, 4 is the only weird one since the female MC is named Elsa but the male MC is an American guy named Darril, and the MC in 5 is named Walter.

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