70 Reviews liked by Faye_val

2007 was such a great year for gaming and this beautiful box was a big part of that.

I think this game shows that you don't always need ultra realistic graphics or a huge AAA budget when making a good game. As long as you have an engaging story, great characters, set in a world you can get lost in. You can create something special.

Taken me a while to get to this and I can happily say I was not disappointed.

Also the music slaps!

Easily the best 343i Halo game. Lets be honest, its not got much competition.

Can't really complain about what's in the game, im more disappointed with what's not in the game currently.

I guess the only positive to come from the GTA Definitive Edition is that it finally gave me the motivation to finally play the originals properly and I have to say, if you get the chance to play this over the awful remaster, do it.

Its such a shame these games don't get the respect they deserve. Instead they get dragged through the mud just to make a quick buck.

Death's Door is a game full of charm, set in a beautiful yet dark world with so many intriguing characters to meet.

It nails the presentation as the game looks amazing and the music is fantastic. I loved exploring each area as there were so many secrets waiting to be discovered. They managed to make each area very different from the next with the visual, however, with the gameplay I did find each area played out the same and this made the game a little bit repetitive for me at times.

I found the combat fun even if it is quite simplistic. For me the most enjoyable part of the game was the boss fights as this is where the combat is at its best. They are challenging but fair at the same time, I never found any of my deaths to be cheap and it was usually a mistake I had made. The bosses are all very well designed and can kick your arse at times if you're not careful, my only complaint was there weren't more of them.

Overall I had fun playing Death's Door.
I can't make any comparisons to the Zelda games as I haven't played many (I'm sorry, I'm working on it!) but that won't stop me from recommending this game.

For me this is still the best GTA game because the whole game has such a cool vibe. I struggle to find another game that manages to nail the setting as much as Vice City. It also has one of the best soundtracks in video games.

I was one of those kids that played this despite being way too young, but playing it now I'm older made me realise I never fully appreciated the story and world Rockstar created. It's been nice to finally complete this after all these years with my dad as it is one of his favourite games.

Also that RC helicopter mission wasn't that bad.

Thanks Azumarrill for the recommendation.

I can't believe its taken me this long to play Bioshock. I love that you're given so many weapons and tools to experiment with, giving everyone the chance to find a playstyle that suits them.

I can see why this is considered one of the greats and I would argue that Rapture has to be one of the best settings in video games. Would you kindly give this game a go.

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The thing I love most about Far Cry 3 is the gameplay and the story compliment eachother so well. Starting out with a tiny health bar, basic weapons with only a few bullets makes the beginning extremely challenging, especially on the harder difficulties. Much like Jason at the start of the game, he starts out terrified and way out of his depth. As you start progressing through the game however, you start to become stronger with more weapons and skills. At the same time Jason is slowly being corrupted by the island and becoming more powerful with each kill, to the point where he is enjoying the killing spree as much as you. By the end of the game every decision you've made, every enemy you've killed mirrors the path Jason has taken through the story. You haven't just watched Jason follow the path to chaos, you've done it alongside him.

Many games have tried to copy Far Cry 3's open world formula since its release but for me the story and the part you play in it is what makes Far Cry 3 so special and in my opinion, why everything else since hasn't reached the same heights.

When Max Payne is firing on all cylinders, it is an absolute joy to play and one of the best gaming experiences you can have. The bullet time mechanic is so much fun and it has got a great story and atmosphere to go with it. There are just so many parts of this game that are such a drag to get through. A lot of areas I found myself slowly progressing through trial and error. Having to die multiple times just to work out enemy placements or see what trap is waiting for you in the next room became frustrating, especially with all of the one hit kills and lack of checkpoints.

I always enjoy returning to games I failed to complete when I was a kid. Out of all of these games Toy Story 2 was certainly at the top of this list.

There is something about exploring normal locations as a toy that I love, the way you use everyday objects to navigate each level is so much fun. All of the areas are full of creativity and charm but still manage to feel real and believable.

Graphics in video games have improved remarkably since the release of Toy Story 2 but for a PS1 game it still looks great. It manages to capture the magic of the Toy Story world perfectly. I still have no idea why but the copy we had back in the day was for some reason in black and white. If you've played the game you'll know there is a paint mixing puzzle early on and yes this was painful to complete without any colour! Being able to replay it all these years later with colour made me appreciate it even more.

I'd argue this is one of the best movie tie-in games, that doesn't mean I think it's perfect but for a movie tie-in game on the PS1 it does everything it needs to and so much more. I know the main complaint is its awkward platforming at times but for me I enjoyed the challenge. Managing to complete these sections and the whole game for the first time made it so much more satisfying as I could never do it all those years ago. I enjoyed returning to Toy Story 2, I can happily tick this one off the list. Definitely give it a go if you haven't already.

Thanks Azumarrill for the recommendation.

Titanfall 2 is one of the best shooters that I have played in recent years. I have always heard good things about it but I did not expect to enjoy it this much.

The campaign is short and can be completed in an afternoon. However, they still managed to cram so much in it. There are so many interesting mechanics introduced throughout the game that help keep the gameplay fresh. I do not want to spoil anything but one level genuinely shocked me with how crazy it was.

I can see now how Titanfall had such an impact on shooters at the time. I can't believe it's taken me this long to play it. Hopefully we will see more Titanfall games in the future.

Oh, Luigi came too. Super.

I loved playing the Gamecube when I was younger, my brother and I spent countless hours playing Double Dash and Sunshine. I also had my first real taste of the Resident Evil games, not playing them myself but watching my stepdad play the RE1 remake and then later RE4. Despite all of these great memories, my experience of the gamecube pretty much ends there. We had quite a few of the exclusives for the console, but I only wanted to play the Mario games. There was one game in particular that I remember completely ignoring at the time and that was Luigi's Mansion.

Luigi's Masion is another example why I and so many other people love Nintendo. Ghost Hunting in a spooky mansion while trying to collect as much cash as possible. Why not? Nintendo are so good at coming up with fun ideas. Luigi's Masion is a short game but it uses this to its advantage. Every action is rewarded with cash and all goes towards your final score at the end of the game. This paired with the short time to beat creates a fun arcade-like experience with so much replayability. I rarely want to revisit a game once I've finished it, but after receiving a terrible rating at the end of the game, Ive decided I need to give it another go.

Luigi's Mansion is a game full of personality. I love atmospheric games and I can happily say that Luigi's Mansion nails it. What makes this game special for me though is how much love has gone into giving Luigi a personality of his own. From nervously humming along to the music to his calls for Mario becoming more desperate when his health is low. All these little details help give Luigi his own identity.

It's sad that Luigi's Mansion is so hard to play these days. This and so many other Gamecube games need to be more accessible. I can see why this game has such a big following. I will definitely be coming back to Luigi's Mansion every October to try and beat my score.

I'm sorry I took you for granted Luigi, it's taken me a while to realise it. I'm glad I finally gave you a chance.

We need more kart racers with an adventure mode. I would love to see future kart racers try to bulid on this formula as we've seen very little of it in the genre.

Well that was painful.

Wait a minute! Do you think that was the point? The main character goes on a murderous rampage seconds after being exposed to the humour. If that's not a perfect example of ludonarrative harmony, I don't know what is.

Maybe the real Crispy Critters were the friends we made along the way.

Really interesting and unique world Mundfish have created. Unfortunately the gameplay doesn't do it for me.