The voice acting is laughable (no really, it made me laugh my ass off) the dialogue is weird but its like bad in a good way

I appreciate what they were trying to do here tho! The gameplay is decent

I'd have to rank this one above Arkham Asylum.

I enjoy younger and less experienced batman. i think the story for this game was amazing and the twists you really don't see coming.

driving around in the batmobile like a lunatic is so freeing.

Making it so the whole game took place on a little slot of land is impressive but it ends up getting a little .... dull towards the end, lots of backtracking.

Still an amazing game!!

Killer croc is in this and that's the most important part

this game is crazy and actually quite fun!

if you like the feeling of being chased like you're some sort of prey animal, you will LOVE THIS!


Loved this more than the first. Still had NO idea what was going on but I cried

aeriths theme makes me fuivking cry

I don't know what was happening half the time but the game is cute

I would love it more if the disney characters were taken out but hey that's just me

5 stars because fade and deadlock are hot as hell and i want them

only getting 3 1/2 stars because the grinding you have to do towards the end of the game is insane. I played just up to the ending where you have to go and re-take over all the keeps and shit you just spent the ENTIRE game doing. stupid stupid backtracking, so stupid that I just put the game down and looked up the ending on youtube. TEN times easier and less time consuming.

Another stain on this game is the microtransactions they had at launch. They took that away a few years ago but even then... I still remember.

The story on the other hand is very interesting and I think its a cool little addition to the world of LOTR. The nemesis system is fantastic, and there are so many different orcs you could get its NEVERENDING.