This game changed my brain chemistry forever

Getting to the end feels like you kinda just got hit on the head with a hammer but in a fun way

why does the music in this 24 year old game that four people in the entire world know about sound so good!!!!!!!!!!

My first zelda game and it was FAWKING EPIC

As Spyro's number one fan worldwide - I approve!!!!!

Loved this game so much. I enjoyed how they refreshed the enemy designs and even the worlds. I am one of those fans that wishes they kept the feeling of the original skyboxes, but I understand this is pretty much a remake. Even then the worlds are BEAUTIFUL.

The new OST brings a tear to my eye because it really is that good.

Playing this game made me feel like a kid again! Happy and carefree!!!!

Played this game on release day way back when and got halfway through but decided to stop because I heard it was bricking consoles.... well lets just say thank god I waited 2 years to play it all the way through.

This game has one of the best gaming stories out there. There are happy highs and (so many) sad lows. You really connect with the characters (or in this case just Judy and Panam for me lol) The combat is fun and the variety of guns and skills and perks really make it an enjoyable time to just do really anything. The soundtrack for this game is always on my mind.

+ Phantom liberty... oh man. It's its own crazy amazing little side story but it also can effect the ending of the main game.

Made me cry, made me laugh.... chefs kiss

Playing this while high really is really one of life's little joys

This game ruined me.

Characters were well done. Final Fantasy's first (OFFICIAL) gay character shocked me because of how well his story and stuff was handled. The rest of the cast is strong and they are honestly all so likable and make you want to root for them all.

Story is really fun! (I'm dead inside.) The music is BEAUTIFUL (I'm crying help me.) The world is beautifully crafted. Combat is okay. I don't know if im really a fan of this kind of combat but that doesn't mean it isn't insanely FUN!

The side quests .... I LIKE them but I also understand why people think they aren't the best. The best way I can describe it is that 90% of them are very good at adding world building lore but like the gameplay execution could have been better. That being said there are some REALLY good quests that I think should be mandatory if you want some good story stuff.

10/10 + bonus points because the main battle theme fucks hard and + another bonus point for TORGAL. LOVE HIM!

I first played this and beat the base game back in when it came out in 2014. It was okay.

But I just recently replayed it front to back, DLC and all and all I can say is ..... amazing. I was usually a Mass Effect girlie only but this made me a dragon age one too.

I think the story is fun and even after you beat it there's so many unanswered questions that it leaves you looking forward to the next one. (Lol)

The characters are fun to get to know! The music is nice when there is some. The graphics, even for a 2014 game are really not that bad 🤷‍♀️ In fact I think it's a gorgeous game.

My one gripe about this game is the open world IS HUGGEEEE. The maps are SO BIG and there's like nothing to do for 70% of it. I mean there's definitely things to keep you busy but do you want to? I did, and it wasn't too bad honestly but I can see where some people say the open worlds SUCK! (Those freaking shards...... kms)

Please please please please LET DRAGON AGE DREADWOLF COME OUT SOON. Getting to the ending of this game just makes you want to know what happens next...


The story is short and some of the writing is funny, but this game is like 30 years old or something and they did the best with what they had back then. I know this game is hated for its combat but honestly I found it really fun! I liked the idea of your weapons and other stats being leveled as you use them. But when it takes you hitting your party members here over and over again to level up your weapon skill to full level ..... hmm maybe it is a bit silly. But yeah no, loved the game. The pixel art in this remaster is gorgeous. I loved the music! And the characters are pretty decent too. Honestly wouldn't mind seeing a small remake of this one day.

The pixel graphics in this remaster are amazing. I know some people prefer the original ost but the arranged one is just as goooood. The game is short but that's not a bad thing!

Having played the OG VII, never in my life did I think a game from 97' would get a remake this good. They really fleshed out a lot of the smaller characters (Jessie was my favorite.) And even all of the main ones! Barret in particular is my favorite! The really gave that character a new shine and I think it's for the better, he's amazing. The voice acting btw is 10/10. The combat is really the best I think the Final Fantasy series will ever get. Graphics 10/10. The story is obviously different from the original but imo I think it's refreshing seeing the characters I love in a new story, in different scenarios and everything else. Also the SOUNDTRACK IS AMAZING! They added a lot of new tracks to the game and honestly I think they all fit so well.

The characters are amazing, the world they crafted is beautiful, the music makes me cry, the combat is the best I think the series has ever seen. The story is fun and as an OG fan it kept me on the edge of my seat!

The open world (IMO!!!!!!) isn't boring. It's not too small and not too big. there's silly little things to do here and there, and I think it's a pretty manageable amount of things to do that'll keep you busy if you so choose.

There's also SO MUCH to do in this game that at the time of writing this I'm not even close to completing it all😭 But again, it's not a chore for me because I just like seeing these characters again and enjoy spending time with them so....

I know some people don't really like the ending but once you kinda understand what's going on it makes sense. I think this new story they are trying to tell is honestly amazing. I just like seeing my pookie Cloud still around in 2024 so I really just can't complain about anything.

Also there's a ton of Aerti content so how can I not give this game anything less that a 10/10?

All in all I am eagerly looking forward to the next and final entry into this project.