Last year, it felt like they really eliminated some of the grind in Diamond Dynasty. This year, it feels like we've gone twenty steps backward, and it's not as fun. I tried to complete the Live Series collection (as I do every year), but just couldn't bear to.

The moment-to-moment gameplay is still solid and all - this is MLB: The Show - but it's not nearly as exciting as previous games. I the only one disappointed that the only MLB player to get a "Storyline" is Derek Jeter? Great player and all, but...just him? And it's not even the whole storyline?


Yeah, that's about all it is. Cute, but not super engaging.

I tried this out because I had heard a lot of comparisons to inFAMOUS and, given that I really like inFAMOUS, I thought this would be a fun companion.

Instead, it just felt too janky for me, and only made me yearn for inFAMOUS.

This jumps around a bit too much for me. Probably would've been more fun if I played the other ones, though.

While I love the badass action and the hell are you gonna make a game this winding, with this kind of confusing level design...and not at least have a map? Or an objective marker of some kind?

I don't know how they topped Remake, but they did. Gameplay is even more varied, characters are just as great as ever, storytelling hits all the right emotional notes...holy hell, this is incredible.

How in the world could they top this with Part 3?

Never played the first one but tried this out thanks to Game Pass.

It was kinda forgettable. Nothing all that crazy to me. Credit where it's due, though; after all the time spent developing it, I'm glad it made it out at all. Surviving development hell is a feat in and of itself.

It's not the "peak" 3D platformer I expected, and there's definitely some jank here, but this is a fun, clever little game that gets a nice boost from its creativity and concepts.

(Re-logging because I accidentally logged the original PS3 version even though I played the remaster)

Even though it has some age-related warts, the first Uncharted remains extremely fun to play. I stand by my opinion that Uncharted being such a trailblazer as far as being so cinematic (to the point of almost being like a movie) is both one of the best and worst things to happen to gaming, but even so, at least Naughty Dog remembered to make the game fun.

(Re-logging this because I originally logged the Japanese version when I played the NTSC version)

I know it gets clowned on, but I fucking LOVE Donkey Konga. It was honestly just a stupidly fun game and, despite coming at a pretty directionless time for Donkey Kong, it was supremely enjoyable.

It may not be the "crown jewel" of the Switch's library, but it never really needed to be. As a holdover of sorts while we wait for the next console to come along, and as a revival of a long-dormant franchise that takes things back to its roots, this is great. As my first proper introduction to Mario vs. Donkey Kong, this is a polished and incredibly fun re-creation.

As a Virtual Boy conversion of Wario Land, it's actually pretty decent. I'm not too into Wario Land so it didn't hold my interest super long, but it's actually quite a solid game on its own.

I do think something is lost playing it without 3D (though perhaps it would still be hard to see in 3D), but it's actually a passable tennis game.'s tennis; kinda hard to screw it up.

It's bowling; it would've been pretty hard to mess this up.

I didn't play it in 3D, so I feel I might've missed something, but as someone who grew up with Nintendo Power, I'm glad to finally experience this legend.