For the most part, A Link to the Past holds up. It's got snappy combat, two interesting worlds to explore, and plenty of great classic Zelda gameplay.

Unfortunately, it's also got uneven difficulty that spikes in several places, and its overworld design is pretty bland by modern standards.

If Nintendo could remake A Link to the Past using A Link Between Worlds' visuals and expanded, more unique dungeon design, then they'd have a true classic on their hands. As it is, this one's well worth revisiting, but it's not better than Ocarina of Time, whatever retro diehards say.

Zelda II is a very interesting failure. It's an unfun slog through samey palace mazes and inordinately frustrating fetch quests, but it's also where many of the series' mainstays originated.

If you really must see all things Zelda-related, play it, but otherwise, avoid like the plague. Hey - it's better than the CD-i games.

I'm not an RTS fan, by and large, but I enjoyed my time with Dawn of War. It's an accelerated version of classic RTS gameplay; you'll constantly be moving to capture resources and the enemy will be doing the same.

I played the campaign on the lowest difficulty setting, which you may think invalidates this review. As I said, I'm not an RTS guy; even the easiest difficulty usually challenges me in these games. However, I do think there's a bit of a difficulty issue here, because I managed to steamroll the campaign, only occasionally needing to use actual strategy to win.

With that said, the presentation is good, the story is classic 40K (FOR THE EMPEROR), and I can imagine that things really ramp up on higher difficulties, so if you're an RTS fan and you somehow haven't played this yet, give it a look.

An excellent remake that refines the original's gameplay and dials down the sense of high camp.

If you want the original's freewheeling and over-the-top tone, you might not find it here, but you'll find a lovingly-crafted game that sticks close to the original vision while finding an identity of its own.

Yeah. It's Metroid Prime, but better. Played it already? Play it again. Never played it? Play it.

A great homage to the days of Metal Slug and other run-and-gun shooters. It's a bit cheaply-designed in places, but the permissive lives/continues system means you probably won't feel too shortchanged.

It's pretty solid. The guys who made Blazing Chrome made this, and it's not quite as tight or well-made as that game, but it'll certainly scratch your Ninja Gaiden or Shinobi itch.

It's heartening to see games like Signalis being released, even though this is far from a perfect game.

The story disappears up itself a little towards the end, but it keeps your attention, and it's not boring.

Gameplay-wise, if you don't like classic tank control-style survival horror with backtracking and VERY restrictive inventory management, you won't like this. I enjoyed it, but I acknowledge the inventory is too limited and the backtracking can get a bit excessive.

Like many others have said, Planescape: Torment has one of the greatest video game stories of all time, but (and I hate to say this because I know how much P:T fans would disagree) it's in dire need of a remake. The combat flat out sucks, and the exploration can be a little slow.

Still, the characters are amazing, the narrative is excellent, and the world is interesting in ways that make other video game worlds feel boring. Buy it for sure, but don't be ashamed if you have to knock the difficulty down.

Yeah. If you like CRPGs (and even if you don't), play this. It's great.

Yup, it's Like a Dragon, alright. Same overblown, melodramatic story that I absolutely loved. Same flawed, occasionally blatantly unfair combat that was still incredibly satisfying. Same great side stories, some of which were surprisingly emotional. Check it out if you love the series. You won't be disappointed.

This is how you do it. A massive, compelling Metroidvania with beautiful music, excellent worldbuilding, and great combat.

Obviously, this game was not made specifically "for me", because there are loads of other folks out there who love it. Still, it feels like it was. I don't want to spoil, but Soulslike gameplay with a horror twist that gets super interesting in ways I didn't expect. My favourite game of all time.

We shouldn't overuse the word "flawless", but honestly, I can't think of another way to describe Undertale.

A masterpiece. It's flabby in places, but who among us cannot say the same?