What the fuck, there’s way too few reviews, why is Chrome Dino the dedicated shitpost game instead of this?
It may hardly be a game, but it’s one of the most entertaining games I’ve ever experienced.

This is as stellar as you'd expect out of Cuphead, and priced very reasonably too.
But despite how I praised Portal's "short but sweet" nature, is this really worth the agonizing 3.5 year wait I went through?

This has an awful lot in common with Sonic Forces, but it has some decent moments instead of being an absolute embarrassment.

Playing Vectorman might have permanently tainted my view on the Mega Man series, because even though that game is far from perfect, its controls are so insanely good that even this supposed masterpiece sits wrong with me. I'm sorry.

Not the most original Kirby game out there, but it served its purpose as a throwback to Super Star's gameplay.
I still wish the GCN game wasn't canceled, though.

This is normally on par with HOTD2, but when playing on an arcade machine specifically, the uzi is considerably less fun to wield than HOTD2's pistol or especially HOTD3's shotgun.

Perhaps it's a little too easy, but this is still one of the best games Nintendo has ever released, overflowing with charm at any given moment.
...gee, didn't I say the same thing about Pikmin 3?

When thinking about the overall structure of this game, it's considerably weaker than HOTD2 or HOTD4.
But wielding the arcade machine's shotgun and pumping it to reload is such an incredibly satisfying feeling that I will not give the game less than 4 stars, fuck you.

This is the first and currently only mainline Pokemon game that I put in the effort to finish.
I don't ever want to finish it again.

This game has been legally declared dead ever since the update which introduced chat reporting. I have not played any version released after that, and still refuse to.
But I can always go back to an older version, mod some things, and kick back as "Sweden" wistfully plays in the background...

I badly want to give this the 5 stars it deserves, but the last third of the game isn't really that good. I'm sorry.

Outrageously overpriced compared to Hollow Knight. You've read that sentence a thousand times, but it's not made any less true by your annoyance.
A very solid game and welcome return for Metroid, never the less.

Better Sonic fangames have released after this, and it shows its amateur Unity Engine age, but it's still an entertaining shitpost of a game.

I have to thank this game for introducing me to Pikmin, which has since become my favorite Nintendo IP.
Zelda Battle Quest is also cool as shit, with it being a successor to Swordsplay Showdown and all.

This is an extreme rarity in the modern state of the video game industry; a remake which is actually so good that the original is obsolete. At least it would be, if the game was ported to PC with its loading times and 30FPS cap fixed.
God damn it.