I could just dismiss this as a cheap mobile game and move on, but the truth is that I used to spend dozens of hours on it, experimenting with the many different ways to abuse the pygmies.
My score is not just childhood nostalgia, I think the game truly deserves it with the amount of content it has.

Sandopolis and Death Egg are terrible zones, but I'm not letting that bring down my score too much.
What an accomplishment this game is for the series, even all these years later.

You will either really fucking love this game, or really fucking hate this game. (Un)fortunately I am of the latter camp, having thought so before a certain Youtube creator made that opinion more popular.
It just doesn't mesh well with the other mainline installments, and I hope Pikmin 4 doesn't repeat the same mistakes with its re-introduction of caves.

A great entry point to the Touhou games after you've consumed your fair share of music videos, fumo shitposts and lewd fanart, just like I did.

Playing through this game made me realize that Super Mario Odyssey may not have been so great after all.
Yes, I know that I gave both games the same score. This isn't perfect either.

I don't think it should come as a shock to anyone that I've spent over 1,300 hours on this game. That is just the nature of a well-designed roguelite.

I know what you're thinking. "You gave New Super Mario Bros. the same score as motherfucking Super Mario World? Are you kidding me?"
No, I am not.

I understand why this was so popular when it came out, but if you call it the best maze-based game in the series, I will laugh in your fucking face.

Rebirth is obviously superior when looking at the larger scope of things, but the artstyle of this game and Danny Baranowsky's soundtrack still haven't been topped to this day.

Wow, who knew that introducing multiple mazes and slightly randomizing the A.I. of the ghosts would make for a better game than the original Pac-Man?

Perhaps it's a little too easy, but this is still one of the best games Nintendo has ever released, overflowing with charm at any given moment.

Either one of the greatest games ever made or a complete cesspool, depending on how and when you play it. From my perspective, the golden days of this have long since passed, with the server browser being consumed by more and more clones of DarkRP.

This would be one of my favorite games ever, but the Mumbo sections are as boring as everyone claims them to be, there are too many Jiggies tied to minigames, and I always have the "SUPERBANJO" code enabled for faster movement.

If you’ve ever been asked "What game did you and your friends play during computer class?" and your answer was this, then you understand why I gave it this high of a score.

Fucking embarrassing compared to Star Fox 64. It's no wonder that this game still hasn't been ported to the Switch, let alone that the Star Fox series as a whole became dormant since its release.