The best Sonic OST ever made is stuck on a clunky racing game that I only truly enjoyed when I was playing Sonic Gems Collection as a kid.

It's quite remarkable how making some tweaks to the gameplay and technical aspects, with little-to-no changes in the level design, turn this from one of the worst Sonic games to one of the best Sonic games.

A solid game in its own right, but also a massive fuckup of a sequel. The story isn't coherently mixed with Doom 2016, the gameplay is fundamentally broken because bosses have to spawn fodder enemies for ammo, Mick Gordon got the composer curse, Snapmap and traditional Deathmatch were removed to the detriment of replay value, and the Invasion mode was canceled for good measure.

Janky as all fuck. And yet, I could declare it as the best official 3D Sonic game.
Says a lot about this series, doesn't it?

I honestly can't tell you whether this or Unleashed is the best "boost" game, but what I can tell you is that Classic Sonic is a much less obnoxious gimmick than the Werehog.

Could this be the most underrated game in Valve's extensive library? A singleplayer Counter-Strike campaign with some elements from Half-Life 1 is something I didn't know I wanted until I played it.

Some time ago I saw the game's composer, Laura Shigihara, in the comment section for the "Zombies on Your Lawn" music video on Youtube. The way she passionately talked about it all those years after release was very tragic to me.
This is a beautiful specimen of a game that will never get the loving legacy it deserves. Thank you, EA.

An easy 5 stars, I probably don't have to explain myself at this point.

Flawed as hell, but also solid as hell. Incredibly tight controls, interesting level design and banging music all mesh horribly with a crippling screen crunch, reused level aesthetics and some gimmicky boss fights.
If this got a fan remaster or a spiritual successor to unleash its full potential, it could be on par with the classic Sonic games.

You know how I said that Vectorman 1 should have a fan remaster or a spiritual successor to unleash its full potential? This is why.
It's about as bad of a sequel as Half-Life 2 and Doom Eternal.

Between its fast-paced gameplay, sound design and variety of weapons and enemies, replaying this never gets old.

Looking up a wiki for this game before finishing it might be one of the biggest regrets I've had in my entire life.

The absolute pinnacle of "short but sweet" in the video game industry.


Maybe the artstyle wasn't the best for the series, but given the hindsight of Doom Eternal, this has aged pretty damn well.

Best presentation in the series by far, but the content leaves a lot to be desired. When ranking the Smash games, I would rather just ignore this one because it doesn't compare to later installments but also isn't necessarily bad.