Flaws i kinda sorta care about in things i like

Nothing here!

Pep system is a great idea,pretty similar to Chrono Trigger's double and triple tech system,but it activates randomly,so ultimately it adds next to nothing to the combat

And why did they had to add the Jade bunny girl arc?
Terrible difficulty balancing
Some of the classes that requires a ton of grinding are near useless
Also,too much grinding for classes
Uhhh.....character interactions might have been a bit better i guess?
Chapter 22 without a stave user is total bullshit
Except for main character and a few standouts,cast of characters aren't very memorable
Some important skills being activated randomly
Lack of class mixing
Mostly mediocre map design and lack of variety in the objectives
Unnecesseirly long and tough final dungeon
Character growth,while definitely not as essential as most other RPG's,is pretty much luck based
Offensive Magic isn't very effective
A shortcut for weapon swapping would be nice
Slow magic animations
Undercook and unbalanced combat
Some labyrinthian dungeons
Half of the cast is a bit underdeveloped
"Tell,don't show" nature of the 2nd disc
Some conclusions in the story are a little rushed
Character progression is very,very basic
Due to the way class system works,you have too many skills to use and a solid %80 percent of them are useless
Also battles are a bit too slow,and towns visually look a bit too samey for DQ standards
Second half of the story and cast feels like a downgrade from the first 5 chapters
Character development isn't very rewarding compare to other metroidvanias,pretty much nothing about your movement changes
Artifact quest is boring as hell
Smirk system kinda sucks ass,and the overworld is confusing to explore
Turn system is usually unfair
Hit rates are absolutely awful


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