So technically I played scenarios from each game in OpenRCT2 but even still... perfect games. Made by one fuckin guy, coded in goddamn ASSEMBLY. Coders know what I'm talking about when I say that is the most insane shit I've ever heard. And yet... PERFECT GAMES

For Kirby's debut its short, sweet, and tightly designed. You can beat this shit in 45 minutes If you know how to beat the bosses quickly. There's no copy ability yet but sucking up and spitting enemies is surprisingly intuitive and easy to get the hang of as your primary form of attack. I mean it's a fuckin Kirby game it's not gonna be that hard. Kracko kinda kicked my ass tho ngl


It's violent, it's fast as FUCK, it's mechanics are timeless, it's fucking DOOM

Just plowed through Inferno on Ultraviolence

The best sports game that isn't Cyberball 2072.
The controls feel goddamn perfect even with the wiggly waggly little plastic buttplug that is the n64 control stick.

Absurd amounts of creativity on display and delightfully gratuitous violence but also this game was meant to take your money. If I played this shit on a cabinet I'd have spent like $30 finishing it and it's like an hour long. That being said I still like it more than SmashTV. SmashTV is probably the better game but I like the variety this one offers over the arena style gameplay.

Listen to 'Endtroducing...' by DJ Shadow while playing for the full experience

Zelda if it Ubisoft made it.

This can't be good for me, but I feel great!


The only bad thing about this game is also what makes it a masterpiece: once you've finished it, you can never replay it the same way again. You'll know what I mean.

I would've finished it by now but I spent like 100 hours of game time buying real estate.

The title is misleading. The residents aren't evil. They're being controlled by an ancient brain parasite.

A harrowing and absolutely debilitating piece of art that is unmatched in its visual and symbolic storytelling and also theres a part where a guy says "THIS TOWN IS FULL OF MONSTERS! HOW CAN YOU SIT THERE AND EAT PIZZA?!?" and I won't explain the context.

I'll probably be going back to it every few months or so until I die.