Good 2D Mario game, especially for the original Gameboy. Actually feels more like a Mario game than SML1, and the worlds are hella fun. 6/10

Classic, where it all started for RE. Love the classic horrible english dialogue, the crusty original OST, everything is so charmingly cursed. Really fun to do speedruns of casually, can play this game forever. 7/10

Improved on RE1 in every way. Story and characters are a bit more rich, the music is an incredible step up from the last game and one of my favorite horror OSTs period. The visual aesthetic is unmatched in the classic PS1 era for horror.
Gameplay is amazingly fun, so fun that I can play it over and over again just to get my rank higher and time lower. Hunk and Tofu scenarios were great side modes as well. 9/10

Amazing sequel to an amazing two games. I still prefer Resident Evil 2, but I love how this game upped the action and feeling of urgency by putting you in the heart of the city where the Virus has run rampant, all while being hunted down by Nemesis.
Great fun, like the other two games I can play this game endlessly without getting bored. 8/10

This game slapped hard on the DS. If you had this game as a Kid, you were balling hard as fuck. The minigames alone were enough to entertain you for years, but aside from that it was a great handheld 2D Mario experience. 7/10

This game was lit as fuck and was the sole reason I bought a Nintendo DS. The regional pokedex in this game is hot trash, there is like maybe 3 total fire types in the entire fucking region so if you dont choose chimchar youre gonna have a bad time, even tho Empoleon is way better. Saving your progress and depleting HP in this game takes 500 years and post game kinda sucked other than the pokeradar for shiny hunting, that was fire. 6/10

This game was lit as fuck and was the sole reason I bought a Nintendo DS. The regional pokedex in this game is hot trash, there is like maybe 3 total fire types in the entire fucking region so if you dont choose chimchar youre gonna have a bad time, even tho Empoleon is way better. Saving your progress and depleting HP in this game takes 500 years and post game kinda sucked other than the pokeradar for shiny hunting, that was fire. 6/10

ULTRA upgraded the fuck outta gen 4, wayyy better regional dex, cool ass story shit at the end with the gamer dimension, better access to national dex pokemon, drastically improved performance issues like with saving/depleting HP, etc. Overall giga improvement for an already gg game, 8/10

Pokemon following you was pretty cute but not much else, Fire competitive generation, improved on Kanto region from Gen 2. Amazing mystery events, amazing legendaries, best gyms, elite four, OST etc. Everything that was great about the original Gen 2 cranked the fuck up to the max. 10000000/10

Pokemon following you was pretty cute but not much else, Fire competitive generation, improved on Kanto region from Gen 2. Amazing mystery events, amazing legendaries, best gyms, elite four, OST etc. Everything that was great about the original Gen 2 cranked the fuck up to the max. 10000000/10

First pokemon game story that i actually really respected, its still simple but it was a lot more mature than 10 year old beat his rival and fuck off. N is a cool antagonist, Reshiram and Zekrom are dope ass legendaries. The sprite work and music, UI, ability system, was at its peak in this gen. Only thing that made BW1 kinda mid was the post game was complete ass. 6/10

First pokemon game story that i actually really respected, its still simple but it was a lot more mature than 10 year old beat his rival and fuck off. N is a cool antagonist, Reshiram and Zekrom are dope ass legendaries. The sprite work and music, UI, ability system, was at its peak in this gen. Only thing that made BW1 kinda mid was the post game was complete ass. 6/10

Pokémon World Tournament was the most hype shit of all time. Improved on BW1 in every way, much better pokemon selection, much better post game content, even better sprite work and UI. Next best pokemon game to Gen 2/HG/SS. 10/10

Pokémon World Tournament was the most hype shit of all time. Improved on BW1 in every way, much better pokemon selection, much better post game content, even better sprite work and UI. Next best pokemon game to Gen 2/HG/SS. 10/10

Colossally mid. This game got so much unwarranted hype from pewdiepie in like 2010 but imo this game was barely worth playing and very forgettable. 4/10