Games I finished in 2024, roughly best to worst.

Alan Wake II
Alan Wake II
I normally wouldn't be found in the same room as a horror game. I have no interest whatsoever in getting spooked. However, a game that combines the insane plot of the first Alan Wake and the vibes of Remedy's previous game, Control, made me want to give this a try. I did not expect to find a 10/10 in the first week of January! If I had played this game a couple of weeks earlier, this would have been my 2023 game of the year!

The genius and insane story, the silly humor that presents itself in radio shows, adverts, and character interactions, the live-action elements that are integrated so well, the music (not looking at any song in particular… wink), the art direction, the dialogue, the setting, and Remedy's history that is subtly celebrated—everything is absolutely top-tier. The only thing that falls short of the ridiculous standard set by every other aspect of the game is the gameplay because it's just good? Like, that's the only complaint—that something's good.


Unicorn Overlord
Unicorn Overlord
I just couldn't stop playing this. So much depth that I'm not even smart enough to fully utilize. The story was mid, art was amazing, side activities were satisfying.


Hitman World of Assassination
Hitman World of Assassination
My jaw dropped when the game "recommended" 30 different ways to take out the targets on the first map. I knew I was in for a fantastic sandbox. I liked it a lot more than I thought I would, I don't normally like stealth or puzzle games but this doesn't really feel like either.


Granblue Fantasy: Relink
Granblue Fantasy: Relink
This is what I wait for with anime games. So many high specticle fighters go down the free-to-play mobile route and once a year we get something like this. I didnt set my expectations too high cause this project had every oppurtunity to come out half baked. But there were several times where my jaw dropped playing this with just how epic these boss fights are. This is a solid game and I'm so happy it turned out this well.


Tekken 8
Tekken 8
Reina is one of my favourite fighting game characterss of all time. I havent clicked with character this much since super Broly. I cant explain what makes me more invested in 8 compared to 7, something about it just clicked and I am not qualified enough to say why, it just felt more intense.


The Last of Us Part I
The Last of Us Part I
That ending stings


The Last of Us Part II: Remastered
The Last of Us Part II: Remastered
I cared about both Ellie and Abby by the end of the game which I think is more than some players can say. But I will admit there were pacing issues. You cant get to what feels like a climax and then have a 10 hour detour


House Flipper 2
House Flipper 2
If I have to sell my houses I am gonna cry


I love it but it just felt like I was coming home from work to do more work.


big numbers, couldn't put down for hours. For some reason I wish the multiplier built up over a whole round and not just a hand but that would be a whole different game design challenge.


Lil' Guardsman
Lil' Guardsman
This real funny


Super Mario Bros. Wonder
Super Mario Bros. Wonder
Was a lot shorter than I was hoping it would be. Even someone like me who isn't all that into platformers can see whats special about this game


WWE 2K24 Deluxe Edition
WWE 2K24 Deluxe Edition
I'm no wrestling fan but these WWE games are just really fun. Lots of problems but I just cant seem to put them down for a while after getting one, I'm a sucker for character customization.


Really charming clean em up. Much more interested in this than something like powerwasher


Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom
Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom
that got quite challenging by the end


Night in the Woods
Night in the Woods
portrayed anxieties of a 20 year old growing up pretty well. I found myself really enjoying the games humor as well, I cant say I've seen anything that does it in the same way. The game is gorgeous.

Why is this a 7/10 in my mind. A couple things got to me. Mae was just an asshole at points and was way to easily forgiven throughout most of the story. Nothing she did ever had consequences. The objectives in the night sections were quite obtuse and pointless, and the ending felt a bit underwhelming. Like something big happened and the universe never acknowledges it happened.


I was really lost at what the hell happened at the end. Like, there was so much that I didn't get an explanation to. I got the "running from your problems" thing but... like what? After later looking into it, it makes sense, and I probably would have learnt what I needed to if I read every document I could. I missed a couple important ones. Now I can appreciate what this story was actually about, humans, isolation, paranoia, and avoiding our problems. I just wish that it could have been more clear for dumb-asses like me.

All that being said, like what can I say that hasn't already been said about Firewatch. Dialogue between Henry and Delilah are perfect etc


Main gameplay loop got a bit repetitive and the last two islands weren't scary at all really but everything else was on point, from the vibe to the art style and secrets.


Sniper Elite 5
Sniper Elite 5
Great that this can be played fully in co-op


Far Cry 5
Far Cry 5
This was fun. Sometimes I think gamers just like complaining. The real issue for me was the amount of bugs, falling through the floor there, cutscene not loading there.


Buckshot Roulette
Buckshot Roulette


Risk of Rain 2
Risk of Rain 2
Look... This is fun, its a great game... but I cant not think "is this all it was".


Part Time UFO
Part Time UFO


Just Shapes & Beats
Just Shapes & Beats
Now this is my kind of music. This is undeniably a good game, but something in me just didn't feel super excited to get back to playing it after my first session. Maybe its the lack of memorability, I haven't ended up that attached to it. Stuff happened and I was like "okay".


Just pure automation, no fluff around the edges. But somehow the lack of fluff gives it a lack of purpose?


The Crew: Motorfest
The Crew: Motorfest
Just not as good as Forza. Everything just feels that little bit worse, from music to UI to dialogue etc


This was really fun at the start. I would go into each new area gasping in excitement to see each new pal. Catch them and watch them as they run around our base and do their little tasks. I could say this enjoyment of seeing new pals and building up our base lasted for a about 45ish hours, after that the game started to become a slog. The amount of time you have to put into leveling up and getting ammo for the higher tier weapons is ridiculous. This slog of an end game had almost made me forget how much fun I was having at the start. I would say just play until it gets too grindy but there's always some pal you are waiting on getting and stopping before that happens doesn't really feel like an option. Kudos to the devs for making the exp rate changeable in the world settings but I would argue I shouldn't have to fee like I need to change that in the first place.


Cute simple game. Wish for more depth and content


Minami Lane
Minami Lane
real simple but cute


Duck Detective: The Secret Salami
Duck Detective: The Secret Salami
love the characters and aesthetic, but the puzzles were a bit on the hard side and the ending wasn't really that satisfying


Ring of Pain
Ring of Pain
It started of as fun and unique with a good art style but my enthusiam to play started to fade when I started to realise that all of my losses felt like they came out of nowhere or were unfair, or that there wasnt alot of variety. There will be people who love this and I can understand that cause there is a lot that is good here but its just not for me.


I am not good at this but I saw some creations in the community hub and I recognize how good things can look


Its just good. Somehow felt repetitive but if it wasn't the mechanics of each character/scenario would seem obtuse. Like everyone else I wish there was more content and that some of the solutions didn't feel so... strange?


Alan Wake Remastered
Alan Wake Remastered
Fantastic concept but it falls short on the actual "game" part. Really repetitive and unfair at times (enemies just spawning behind you and throwing things etc). Dialogue felt really off as well, maybe that's an aesthetic but I couldn't immerse myself into it. With all that said though, I cant wait to play Alan Wake 2. If this game did anything it got me really into the remedy universe lore.


Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League
I was really confused with how I felt about this. I had some fun but i was mostly just confused. Movements great, had some laughs, concept should have worked but felt extremely underwhelming.


Outcore: Desktop Adventure
Outcore: Desktop Adventure
Any stuff happening on the desktop was awesome. Everything else was really boring or not fun. The "idle" game was so boring even the game was like "do you even want to do this, we can skip it?".


The Gnorp Apologue
The Gnorp Apologue
This being a rougelike ruined it for me


Inertial Drift
Inertial Drift
Do you want to play the same track over and over and over again. People who love time trials might love this, but it was never engaging or special enough for me. The drifting mechanic did click with me but everything else felt stale.


Suika Game
Suika Game
I played one game, and I can acknowledge why it got so popular, but I couldn't be bothered putting more of my time into it


Danganronpa S: Ultimate Summer Camp
Danganronpa S: Ultimate Summer Camp
This is the celebration of the trilogy? Its so boring and the gacha mechanics are a last attempt to milk the fans of their money



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