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12 days ago

Grumpbags reviewed Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition
This is my second attempt to review this game .I wronte one previously but since picked it back up and continued my second playthrough.
It's one of my favourite ever games I think, it has something I can't get anywhere else. I've played other games in this series and enjoyed them thoroughly. I'd even argue that Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride is one of the best games ever made, and easily the best in this series.
However, the fidelity of this game coupled with its sheer hangout-itude means that i just keep coming back to it.
It has an incredible cast of characters, some of my favourite in any rpg of any kind I think.
I could probably go on at considerable length about it's stunning vistas, beautiful and elaborate towns and cities, the perfect tv show pacing of its story arcs and it's forgivingly easy to understand but still engaging and complex combat but i think the most ringing endorsement I can give is to acknowledge that as a lifelong fan of jrpgs and a frequent buyer and and enjoyed of the genre still, i rarely see more than 30% of any that I pick up.
I've beat Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Illusive Age S' main campaign, the post game and now I'm going back for another go, taking my time, treasure hunting, doing side quests, doing whatever. Just for the joy of being there.

13 days ago

Grumpbags reviewed Outer Wilds
A unique, true work of art. A short experience that had me run the entire range of my emotional gamut.
An inspired idea executed pretty much flawlessly. A technical and artistic marvel that sits among the medium's very best.

13 days ago

Grumpbags reviewed Mega Man Zero/ZX: Legacy Collection
I'm choosing this collection over the OG gba games (i'm not including the DS games, though they are worth a pop) for two reasons.
1. They're all in one place, and can be one icon on this list.
2. The checkpoint system it introduced made it possible for me to play them through.

I love these games, but maybe this is the only way to play them. They all rule (albeit in varying degrees) but the difficulty is high and the ability to try a boss over and over until you crack it instead of only attempting as many times as your lives permit makes it an extremely enjoyable experience
The action itself is insanely gratifying, enemies explode when shot, and are cleaved in two when slashed. Including bosses.
Struggling against a tough Maverick (or w/e they're called in this one) only to finish it off by slicing it perfectly in two lengthways is magnificent.
The progression and upgrade systems are a little backwards, especially in the early ones. Only allowing you to unlock a new move by finish a stage with a high rating earned in a previous stage is a bizarre choice, expecially since the skills own.
In spite of this though, i worked hard to earn the title "Supreme Edgeboy" and I kept it. I rattled through each game in this series and enjoyed every second .

This Supreme Edgeboy says you should play this collection.

13 days ago

Grumpbags reviewed The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Probably the most important game I ever played. Rocked my world irrevocably and raised my standards for this sort of adventure to a point that maybe a handful of games have come close to.
I still play regularly and still think about it probably once a week.
On a less personal note, this game is the progenitor of basically all modern 3rd person games.

14 days ago

Grumpbags reviewed Shin Megami Tensei IV
Vibes vibes vibes served with high philosophical existentialism; ranging in tone from extreme nihilistic angst to sheer nihilistic terror.
A game so good you can set the Christian God on fire.

14 days ago

Grumpbags reviewed Bloodborne
From's best game IMO. Not my fave, but their best. Best execution of their narrative style, pairing with Bram Stoker/Lovecraft horror worked so perfectly for the "destroyed world in disarray" setting.
Insanely tight combat and truly horrifying ghoulies and situations.

14 days ago

Grumpbags reviewed Super Mario 64
I mean. C'mon. I know some people struggle with the camera, but like.... c'mon. Might not be better than Odyssey, and I have a soft spot for Sunshine despite it's shortcomings, but this is the best one right?
Still the champ.

14 days ago

Grumpbags reviewed Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
My favourite game question mark.

Proof if needed that I'm a basic bitch at heart, and learning to press L1 in particular rhythm will forever be more thrilling to me than mastering complex strategic systems in undeniably more interesting games.

Seriously though, as an adult with weebish tendencies who grew up from a child who was obsessed with Tenchus 1,2 and 3, this game felt like it was specifically made for me.
It's the tightest, most visceral, extravagant and flamboyant action game ever made in my opinion. It's been years since I beat it (100% motherfucker) and i still pause over a gifs of those boss fights, especially those slow-mo cinematic ones, lord.
Of fromsoft games I think it has one of the better narratives , all perfectly skipable too. You're not missing a huge amount by focusing on the gameplay.
The world is beautiful, the soundtrack is luxurious.
Not a game I can blanket recommend for everyone, but for all you L1-sickos like me.... well, you've probably already played it. Isn't it the best!?

14 days ago

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