88 Reviews liked by Hale

Uma obra de arte. O jogo apresenta a volta da nossa querida Chell para os experimentos da Aperture Science. O jogo ficou mais completo, trazendo novas mecânicas(Ponte de luz, Aquele levantador azul, as gosmas azuis, vermelhas, brancas, etc.) e apagando outras(como as esferas de átomos). O aumento no número de fases e a dificuldade faz com que a gameplay possa ser sensacional, inesquecível e ao mesmo tempo esquecível, pois ao ter tantas fases faz com que o fator replay do jogo melhore, já que você pode não se lembrar daquela fase. Os personagens são carismáticos no ponto certo. Agora o Coop... Não tenho nada a reclamar, as fases são legais e divertidas de se jogar com um amigo, mesmo ele sendo um burro. As fases na minha opinião são muito mais difíceis do que a do modo solo, mas isso não é um ponto ruim, já que então, precisaria de 2 mentes para passar pelo puzzle. Estou atualmente buscando a platina, falta 9 troféus e todos são do online, as conquistas são divertidas e o fato de poder escolher o capitulo facilita muito, só sinto uma pena de terem tirado os desafios, eu platinei o Portal 1 ontem e senti falta de algo que me faça passar muita raiva e que me faça comemorar ao mesmo tempo.

good LORD is this game pay to win

Best reason to own a Vita until Persona 4 Golden came out

The sky streaks with incandescence, and the air is dragons and embers. A crackle from the dying kiln, a Lord of Cinder awaiting thee.
I remember being at GameStop years ago, I was picking out a game to buy and it was between a series I was familiar with and Dark Souls. It seems obvious now that I made the wrong decision then, but It's never too late to start. I think now was the perfect time for me. There's not much to say that hasn't been repeated a thousand times. Everything about Dark Souls is stellar. The story, world, music, art, gameplay, atmosphere, sound design, and so much more all leave me speechless. There is a slight washout of execution in the latter half of the game. Even still, those areas are a ton of fun. I can not consciously give this any less than 5 stars, Bed of Chaos and all. "Stay safe friend, and don't you dare go hollow"
Favorite area: Undead Burg | Honorable mention: Ash Lake
Favorite boss: O&S | Honorable mention: Artorias

Please, play the game before shitting on it

i love you roblox . . . . . . . . . .

Shenmue I & II are two of the most important games of all time and people who deny that go to Hell and burn alive. The amount of effort put into the games to create the most immersive game of all time at the time. Cyberpunk, Witcher, Fallout, the entire fucking current state of immersive sims. Shenmue isn't the first game to do all of its shit but it's the first to have that big of a budget on it to push these ideas enough to reach a mainstream audience and inspire literally every single game with any kind of slight open world. The LAD series getting massive in the states out of nowhere ruined discussion of this series because for some reason everyone thinks this is the LAD prototype now. Watch a Shenmue funny NPC dialogue compilation what are you reminded of? Not Yakuza Kiwami fucking 2 no you're thinking of Oblivion. Fuck you i hate everyone who plays video games

I am extremely normal about Aqua Kingdom Hearts.

Kingdom Hearts II is a great example that a game can have several annoying aspects or sections but still be amazing based off of vibe and a good finale. Second visits to each world could be pretty annoying and yet it still never lost me, because the game never fails at feeling engaging in both gameplay and especially in its story and characters. A genuine, absolute joy from beginning to end even despite the annoyances I have with certain sections. Maybe one day I'll come back to fight the superbosses, but for now I look forward to seeing how the games progress from here for myself!

This review was written before the game released

you will never see me again when this comes out

LBP2 is everything the original is but cranked up to twelve. Every little thing from the original is fine tuned, from the difficulty of the story, its level design, what you can do in create mode, the physics, the online, it's perfect. A must play if you have a PS3 still. I hope these games get some sort of remaster in the future.