A fun flash game series from my childhood. Happy to see it on Switch with more levels and a level creator.

An awful remake of an amazing game. The original game simply does not work on one screen.

This game is fighting with itself on whether it wants to be a gut wrenching tragedy or the most middling slice of life trope filled anime ever. This games highs are extremely high, but the lows are comically low. The gameplay itself is really fun, but that's only after watching youtube tutorials on how to properly play the game. The in-game tutorials actively lie to you and give you horrible advice. I want to like this game, but the cliche anime humor and filler ruins it for me. I love the world and characters with all of my heart, but the story overall just isn't good. The absolutely phenomenal endgame does not excuse chapters 2 and 4, and the many other smaller moments where the game fails at comedy.

One of the best 3D platformers to date, if not the best. Odyssey has the best movement out of any video game I've ever played. Doing ground pound dives into cap jumps to access secret areas and shortcuts is so fun! This game has high replay value! The worlds are vibrant, the enemies are unique, and a lot of the missions are memorable! You can't go wrong with this game! I do think that this game is a little bit bloated, but most of the collectables are completely optional so it's not a real issue. This game is a must play!

An amazing game. Amazing presentation, great soundtrack, fun levels, and a lot of unique gimmicks. While it's not my personal favorite Mario game, it's definitely up there for one of the best platformers ever. 10/10

The new levels are a welcome addition to an already fun game! The momentum based puzzle platforming is better than ever with this rerelease! The new multiplayer modes are a nice addition too.

To be honest, this game and Breath of the Wild are interchangeable to me. While TotK is amazing and even more breathtaking than BotW, it just feels like an expansion to BotW, rather than a sequel. Most of the game just has you doing the same stuff you already did in BotW. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love this game, and I love the depths and the new areas that adds, but I was expecting a bit more out of a sequel. I still love this game and recommend it to anyone who loves BotW.

An amazing game. The most immersive experience I've ever had playing a video game. Despite the lackluster story, this game still holds up as one of the best of modern gaming.

Kirby's base speed being so slow makes the early game unbearable. Once you unlock the speed buff, the game becomes fun.

Absolutely phenomenal game. I recommend it to anyone who likes 2D platformers!

Charming game with a pretty 32-bit art style.

The best Kirby game. The levels are fresh, they're paced really well, and the copy abilities are some of the best in the series! The story is tear jerking, the soundtrack is amazing, and the game has lots of charm! Easily the best Kirby game and one of the best games on 3DS. Please play it!

This would be the definitive version of the game if the physics weren't messed up. Turning in the air is awful, side flips are useless, wall jumps are almost useless. They took some of the best movement in gaming and absolutely ruined it.
The improved graphics are really good and the new characters are (mostly) fun! That being said, the downgrade in controls and physics is not worth the extra content. Stick with the N64 version.

My personal favorite Pokemon game. It offers the most content out of any Pokemon game I've played. Exploring Sinnoh is very fun and rewarding! The music is also great! It's definitely a must play Pokemon title!