December, 2023


9h 37m


Got clotheslined by a really frustrating bug my first time through the PC version. Hours into it. Gonna give it another shot.

Fingers crossed.

Edit: Nope. Easily one of the most strange bugs I've encountered. Ah well.


1h 29m

the writing is far from the totality of this game's bizarre mediocrity. the cutscenes are genuinely some of the worst I've ever seen, and the opening section is intensely tedious

but also yes, the writing is challenging. it's kinda weird how crass she is? sincerely, I love swearing, but this girl makes me feel like a prude. I'm assuming it's to set up a shift, where she's excessively caustic and then progressively softens, which could be fine, I just... can't get attached to someone this unlikable

very good cat


0h 47m

even doing my best to put aside my feelings on real world law enforcement, the vibes in this game are fucking grody, dude

i don't even say shit like that, that's how off-putting it is


7h 58m


Note 1: Have significant qualms with the way this game is structured, and balanced. But it looks great and sounds even better. So I think I'm gonna stick it out.

Note 2: Probably not that far off from finishing it, but I can't. The writing needed a dedicated edit, it's gratingly ineffective, and there's so little about the gameplay that makes sense to me. Metroidvanias are hard, man, I get that. I just don't think the hands in charge of this one were capable enough.

A lot of great art, though. And the real reason I kept playing was the music. But I bought the soundtrack and that'll be what I bring with me.



9h 25m


Did it anyway! Hard mode didn't mess around. At least not if you're going for the challenges. S-ranked every level in the game.

Great fun.



45h 31m


They pulled it off. I can't imagine trying to put a bow on a trilogy like this. Admirable effort.

I am beyond perplexed by the cutscenes, though. Compressed to hell and back, it's baffling. The production is perfectly good aside from the encoding. Why would you spend time making a solid cutscene and then slather it with a thick coating of artifacts?

Ultimately a minor thing, no question. I'm just confused.



3h 4m


Short enough that I might as well. Very pretty.



0h 30m

Not that interested in these characters or what they're doing. Doesn't intrigue me like Anodyne 2 did.

6h 47m

Kinda hoping this gets a remaster on the Switch 2.

November, 2023


Really satisfying production. Never been especially into arcade racers, but I'm glad to have this in my library.


0h 16m

fun to see more examples of UE5. not much else was worthwhile



0h 13m



Lovely song.

Started / Finished

0h 30m

Way too languid, and the storytelling doesn't compel me to continue.


5h 41m


Perfectly enjoyable. Gets undercut by its seams too often for me to be wowed, but I had fun.


2h 24m

The most I've enjoyed Call of Duty since the first MW, but the level design in these games is so structurally flawed that it's hard for me to sustain that enjoyment. I just don't find corridor shooters any fun.

2h 7m

Ahhhhh- this is good. It is. But it's missing something that keeps it from connecting fully for me. The gameplay is a little sparse. And there's technical cruft that just needed to be ironed out.

It's nearly there. Almost.


3h 42m



Started / Finished



I am fundamentally incapable of understanding people who liked the epilogue. The notion that you'd need or want an explicit bridge to the first game is genuinely unfathomable to me. Even if the idea was sound, the execution outside of a couple moments was awful. The game should've ended when Arthur died.
