About Me!

Since everyone else was doing it!

Credit https://www.backloggd.com/u/Clearin/list/about-you-video-games/ and everyone else who then did their own version for the idea

As someone who doesn't really do much competitive online multiplayer this really hooked me. Weirdly underrated game, I think it's fantastic
Guilty Pleasure

I'm sorry
Game you always come back to

A stand in for the whole series, Smash has been my go to game with friends basically since I had friends.
Stressful game

Multiplayer in this has gotten me so physically tense on multiple occasions that I had to sit out a few rounds
Relaxing game

Yeah this is another basic one but I don't often play games to relax and this definitely evoked that feeling!
Childhood game

Came to mind immediately with this prompt. I replay it every few years, and have so many fond memories of just hanging out with my neighbors and taking turns watching/playing along.
Favorite boss fight

Another "obvious" pick but that's because it's so good. A big swing in a game full of them.
Favorite Ending

There are some Zeldas that rank up here for me too (unsurprisingly), as well as Kentucky Route Zero, and Disco Elysium is also a huge contender. But this had me pacing in circles around my room for hours and the feeling I got from it has never fully left me.
Best Art Style

Wanted to be a bit different even though I probably like Killer7 and Wind Waker more. I know this game gets some flack these days for inspiring a lot of ripoffs and kind of shaping the idea of an "art game" into a very specific mold but man I still like it a lot. Still looks breathtaking imo
You hate everyone loves

"Tons of people already hate this game! Sonic fans are bullied too much!!"

Counterpoint: Sonic fans... are not bullied enough

Oh also shout out to Halo those games are trash too lol
You love, everyone hates

This game rules actually. It will also never be ported to anything else so get it while you can, folks
Have not played but want to

2 is standing in for the whole original trilogy here. Very excited to get around to these, hopefully sometime soon.
Best Story

Only Disco Elysium comes close, which is pretty crazy as I played those two games back to back and they stand head to head as the two greatest stories in the medium, imo
Favorite Villain

Few things are more fun than having Vergil on screen. Well, maybe having Dante on screen. But that's made even better when Vergil is also on screen, so
Favorite Protagonist (Madeline)

A character who has only meant more as time goes on. Celeste has a simple story but I think that simplicity, combined with how top notch the presentation is, makes it easy to relate to while at the same time still being a clearly personal story to Maddy.
Best Soundtrack

Oh no, all three entries so far have had basic bitch picks... oh no people won't think I'm cool!!! :(
Favorite Series

Some people tried to limit their lists so that a franchise could only show up once. Well... lol yeah once again this is such a no contest thing for me that I'm not doing that
Favorite game of all time

The perfect blend of art game and actual good video game, lol. Manages to be both an incredible action adventure game with one of the best worlds in the medium as well as genuinely profound. Masterpiece.


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