Crazy fun game. so much good stuff to find here. There are some low points such as the voice acting being bad and some decently uninteresting and one dimensional characters. While the storytelling style is unique through its roguelike elements, it absolutely works for me. It just has a certain charm to it that I can't really describe nor can I quantify but it absolutely is a fascinating game that somehow comes together to be wonderful.

Where road 96 dared to carve its own path, Mile 0 regresses and does nothing interesting feeling like an industry plant of a game. Depressingly linear with a fragile illusion of choices mattering, a bad skateboarding mini-game, terrible pacing and uninteresting characters. At least its still a Road 96 title and Zoes voice actor is way better than the original but Kaito doesn't belong in this game. Just make a prequel to R96 not a mashup you are not Nintendo you cant make smash bros. The ending I got actually flowed well into Road 96 and the last hour-ish is actually pretty good but otherwise an all around disappointing game.

Sick combat, amazing story, endearing characters that if you don't like you don't need to spend time with. Who the fuck actually talks to Ohya. The royal content is awesome. Everything is just amazing, the only issues are that its REALLY long (could be a benefit depending on your perspective) and that some of the palaces don't need to be as drawn out as they are and some of the writing is questionable. Fuck big bang burger palace that shit sucks harder than the kid that plays the shooter arcade game.

A walking simulator with one of the wildest game mechanics I've experienced, What Remains of Edith Finch is a story that could only be told through gaming. It makes, argues and wins its case for gaming as a storytelling medium. While its entire runtime is a pleasure, the second hour of this games two hour runtime is likely the best hour of time I've ever spent playing a video game and wont be topped ever. The ending, Lewis, Gregory, its all marvelous. Probably the most "perfect" game ever made, if that really means anything. A beautiful deep dive into loss, grief and the way we deal with them, What Remains of Edith Finch is a game unlikely to leave me for the rest of my life.


It's my favourite game of all time.

Wonderful exploration. flows smoothly. Well thought out puzzles. The game didn't change me like it did for some people, but I can absolutely appreciate everything here.

In my opinion, fails at capturing that same magic that Outer Wilds had. It isn't bad, and clearly lots of people love it, but to me its a much inferior and lacking DLC for a game that didn't need it.

Best use of an unreliable narrator I've seen in gaming. Beautiful game that explores the art vs artist in a way only gaming can. Short, sweet and heartbreaking. An exploration of humanity and creativity. Simply beautiful.

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What starts as a unique and fun deck building card game with a cool mechanics turns absolutely crazy with interesting story, continuously good gameplay and puzzles and an absolute banger of an ending. While the gameplay does fall off after the first act it continues to be engaging enough to see the story through. The guy is definitely one of the unluckiest carders though, contrary to his name.

This game is great, combat, story and progression. Metroidvania masterclass


Great time investment, great gameplay amazing everything. Supergiant at their cleanest and most streamlined but not their best. The game is just too safe, its a really bad way of explaining it but it really doesn't feel like Supergiant is taking any chances with this game. I love bastion because its unique and has that "studio's first game" charm. Pyre is the my favourite video game with amazing characters and story. Hades focuses the most on combat and story though that combat, which works really well. It also means that the characters have less room for development and the world is less interesting because its just Greek mythology. Not a particularly groundbreaking game but stellar nonetheless.

Undertale but more swag and more cat.

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I'm really not the target audience but it's cool as hell. This kind of puzzle game is not for me but the amazing visuals, audio and satisfaction when the pieces fit into place is well worth it.

Stellar time eater. Great upgrade system. You beat the game exactly when you are meant to. Skill based, fast, adrenaline pumping fun. More games should be like this.