Really enjoyed this game--a definite improvement over the first game, which was also quite good! I did have a few issues with inconsistent movement/combat mechanics, but they weren't bad enough to sour the experience. Gameplay was great. Story was compelling. I look forward to more!

This is one of the best games I've ever played. It's a masterful culmination of what FromSoftware has done so well with their previous Souls games (and Bloodborne/Sekiro). The open world is endlessly interesting, with all kinds of secrets and discoveries. The enemies and bosses are largely unique and appropriately challenging. Some of the repetition of bosses did get dull, but I still felt compelled to explore everything I could even after fighting my third or fourth tree spirit. The legacy dungeons are really where the game shines for me. Leyendell is a high point, but I thought they were all really well done, and I even wanted a little more out of some (looking at you, Raya Lucaria Academy). Fantastic game!

My absolute favorite FromSoftware game, and the first I completed. I tried this when it originally came out, found it too challenging, and gave up. Years later, I picked it up again, determined to learn the Soulslike formula. I did, and absolutely loved it. The world of Bloodborne is so interesting, and the Gothic, dark fantasy vibes kept me wanting more of this universe. The bosses and enemies are amazing, the level design is immaculate, the music is incredible, the trick weapons are a lot of fun, and this game has one of the best DLCs ever made. 5/5. Would recommend.

I immediately fell in love with this game. Between the clever references to older RPGs and the hysterical writing, this game hit such a sweet spot for me when I first played it. The pacifist route is an experience I hadn't really ever had in a game before, and it culminated in a really beautiful ending for a game that seems so silly on its face! Special mention to Toby Fox's musical chops--he really nailed it with the OST.

I came into this game ready to love it. Final Fantasy is, without question, my favorite video game franchise. I found this game... fine. The setting was great, and I really like the world they built here... I just wish it felt like I could explore more of it. You basically have four regions to explore, and despite being packed with side quests, they felt a little empty to me. That's another thing; the side quests were occasionally really interesting, and then they were occasionally a huge drag and momentum killer. I liked the combat sometimes. The best fights were against humanoid enemies, but things got questionable with really large creatures that posed challenges for the camera movement. Also, I know a lot of folks loved the spectacle of the really big fights, but I found them kind of empty and just decorated with a bunch of flashy effects. Overall, I didn't hate the experience, but it's a very middle-of-the-road game for me. Definitely not Square's best work.

Fun Mario game, and the first new one I've played in years. I like some of the new powerups, and the multi-player system is interesting! I do feel like they kind of threw everything at this game and that there are A LOT of ideas in each level and world, so it doesn't have the same cohesiveness some of the older games do, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

This may be the best game that's come out in the 2000s. It is such a well-crafted experience and short of being a little frustrated with a late-game puzzle, there's nothing bad I want to say about it. For most other games I might knock its lack of replay value, but Outer Wilds is such a singular experience that I honestly only want to have my one first playthrough of it in my heart and soul. The DLC only improves upon the experience. Play this game blind and have the time of your life!

I enjoyed the game, but I think there's a lot of hyperbole about its quality. The open world is a cool concept for a Zelda game, but it might be just a little too big to keep my interest. There's stuff to do, but it gets repetitive after a while. I wish there were longer, more expansive dungeons like the classics, and I wanted more unique items and weapons--not just finding multiple copies of the same stuff. I loved the music and thought the minimalist approach really worked for the setting. Overall, still a very good game, but not the masterpiece it gets touted as.

This is the first game I can remember playing as a kid. I checked it out recently, and while it's definitely dated, it has that old school MS-DOS game charm from the early 90s.

This is the exemplar of how to make a good remake. The original RE2 was my first survival horror experience, which meant that this had to do some work to live up to that. It exceeds expectations!

I have fond memories of playing the original RE4 with my best friend from high school. Late nights, junk food, and losing our minds at all the scary shit on screen. This remake made me feel young again, and it improved a lot of aspects of the original that now feel shallow in retrospect. Had a blast revisiting the village, the castle and the island and kicking ass with Leon S. Kennedy.

This was my first ever Persona experience, and I loved it! The combat system was a lot of fun, I really dig creating new personas, and I'm a true sucker for a good dating sim/romance system. I logged over 100 hours with Royal edition, and it barely felt that long. Plus, the soundtrack slaaaaps.

This is my favorite game of all time. It's the first Final Fantasy game I played through myself, and it hooked me on the RPG genre. I know it has its issues, and may even feel a little underbaked in some areas (yeah the story isn't perfect), but I love this game and will never remove my nostalgia glasses for it. Plus, it has THE best mini game, which also happens to have tangible benefits to the main gameplay. What else can I say?

I can't speak highly enough of this game. Up until 2020, it has been my favorite post-2000 release. It combines the best elements of the first two Fallout games with those of Bethesda's advancements in Fallout 3. The writing is phenomenal, and shines brightest in the DLCs. The diversity in how to play the game is brilliant, especially given that you can finish the whole thing without killing anyone. And, as all good Fallout games do, it combines the dreadful seriousness of nuclear apocalypse with clever, dark humor that gives the series its unique quality. Is it buggy? Sure. But I'll reload this game a thousand times if I have to.


This is a neat little game! I love how the process of discovery is intrinsic to the experience, and the game manual was a really clever way to present that. I almost wish there were a few more bosses like in a true Soulslike game, but I also spent so much time figuring out the puzzles and secrets that I definitely got enough out of it. If you like Zelda or Dark Souls, this is a solid choice.