Great story, mediocre unoriginal gameplay; par the course for most modern Sony exclusives. I saw a lot of similarities between this game and Ghost of Tsushima. I’m sure I’ll come back to it eventually, but for the time being I’m just not that into it.

Giving it the half star for having such an awesome final level and solid soundtrack throughout the entire game. Besides that, Beautiful Katamari is incredibly short and frustrating.

Almost all the beginning levels are annoying themes(collect “x” type of object) and the time limits are very short. Compared to the first Katamari you really have to “try” a lot more as opposed to simply enjoy the experience. I play Katamari to relax and have mindless fun. On the other hand, if you feel that Katamari is too easy, this may be worth a try.

I wish I played this game in its heyday so I could experience the online multiplayer, it seems like a fun concept.

I can appreciate how wacky the entire game is, in terms of art and dialogue, but it’s aged pretty badly. I’ll be trying Psychonauts 2 hoping for the same charm with a more modern face.

Dead Souls is pretty goofy, but there’s plenty of times it isn’t, and instead is incredibly frustrating. Without getting abilities to improve headtracking, freely aiming sucks and you’re better off using the auto-aim. It’s pretty easy to get stunlocked, which sucks when you’re fighting stronger monsters.

The final chapter was great from start to finish, and getting to play as other characters(one in particular) makes it all worth it. There’s some gems in this game people that didn’t play Dead Souls will miss out on. The music is surprisingly good, and karaoke is amazing. Most of the substories are also pretty interesting. On top of all that, we get Asagi, who runs laps around Sayama.

The game has crazy difficulty spikes throughout each level, but the finale is total bullshit unless you use powerups, which you cannot use for certain achievements.

The ultimate Yakuza experience. Story is hard to follow at points but ALMOST each character has an amazing part. The fighting feels amazing, and the amount of content it has is unmatched; I beat the game in just under 42 hours and my completion rate wasn't even 16%.

It’s a great challenging co-op game, just wish it had more levels.

Amazing ninja game, I wish we got more of this nowadays. The movement, gadgets, and stealth mechanics are really neat. The only drawback is it can be pretty unforgiving with bosses, and if you die you gotta do the whole level all over.

Story doesn't make much of any sense, but everything about the gameplay was fun enough to keep me invested. At the very least I appreciate Kojima and his team creating a very unique experience. I think Death Stranding is one of those games you really gotta experience yourself to form a solid opinion on.

I give it 4 and half stars because it’s a stellar conclusion to the first main character of my favorite game franchise, but if it wasn’t the last game in Kiryu’s story I’d have given it a much lower rating. I don’t have any problems with the story; it’s cut and dry Yakuza, which is fine. The gameplay did bug me a lot though.

I believe this was the first Yakuza game to use the new Dragon Engine, which opts for more realistic and slower fights instead of what we saw in 5 or 0. It can be pretty goofy which is fine, but there were times the combos just wouldn’t connect when they looked like they should have. I also feel like there’s a lot less variety in Heat Moves due to this push to make the fighting more realistic. I did the same 4 or 5 finishers and moves throughout the entire playthrough. I liked not having loading zones in almost every location. The stamina mechanic while free-roaming is incredibly frustrating, especially because sometimes I had to chase down a guy and take frequent breaks to catch my breath, forcing me to fail the mission. The game was still absolutely beautiful when the frames weren’t dropping. Thankfully Kiwami 2 polished the Dragon Engine up a LOT.

I loved the story, it had me hooked. But I hate cliffhangers.

Wind Waker HD raised the bar for remakes. I've briefly played the original Wind Waker, and this is a phenomenal upgrade. The game is gorgeous, the overworld is really interesting and full(although sailing can be boring), and the music rocks. My only gripes are that it was on the easier and shorter side.

It's amazing that Santa Monica got Kratos' combat right on the first attempt, and the story was good enough, but the level design and overall gameplay was beyond frustrating. Whether it was spamming enemies at you that would stunlock you all the time, or very precise and punishing platforming. Hopefully GOW 2 improves on this.

Ori's movement felt super smooth, and the story was simple but effective. It was fairly short and some might say too easy - it's a good starter Metroidvania.

This is 343’s third attempt at a Halo game and they still managed to flub it in some shape or form.

I felt like I wasn’t getting the bigger picture of the story; there was a lot of “telling” of important plot points and not “showing.” I think 343 relies on external media(like books) too heavily in their mainline games. They assume most of us are up-to-date on every bit of relevant lore from books, comics, etc., which alienates more casual fans like myself. I’ve been playing Halo since 3, and never have I ever felt like I was just going through the motions to this extent.

The gameplay itself was okay. The open world was typical base-clearing stuff but in Halo, which turned out to be way more fun than Far Cry’s take on the formula. The bosses were incredibly frustrating, whether it was doing a lot of damage or having super powers that let them lunge from quite literally across the arena. There’s no Co-Op on Day 1, which makes no sense unless they’re working on a separate story for co-op.

As of the day I’m writing this, multiplayer is barebones and muddled with microtransactions - to me it’s very evident this is where 343 spent a bulk of the 6 years of development. They just added playlists about a week or two ago - the most basic feature any multiplayer fps ships out with. There’s plenty of bugs and network issues, a lot of the new weapons are lame and replaced classics, and vehicles are very inconsistent.

If it wasn’t for Game Pass I likely would not have touched the campaign, as I was already dissatisfied with the multiplayer. At its core Halo Infinite is a decent Halo game but it needs a whole lot more polish, which begs the question: what was 343 doing this whole time?