The best co-op experience I’ve had in years, with an awesome story to boot

Bangin' soundtrack and super fun hack-n-slash gameplay. It's always fun to revisit every now and then.

Overcooked is a great co-op experience while still being a bit challenging; maybe too challenging at times. The difficulty scaling across levels was all over the place, often my partner and I would scrape by on one level and then crush it the next.

I'm also not a fan of the arcade mode; I wish that we had the option to pick a specific level, not just the theme.

Super charming and unique, but the padding towards the end (getting a key in the basement to go all the way up to the highest level) really got annoying.

I think Judgement is one of the most concise stories RGG has made, start to finish. Not a lot of “rubber bullets” -tier plot twists, and I enjoyed the murder mystery story. Substories are the best they’ve ever been (coming hot off the heels from Yakuza 6) and the main cast is very likeable.

Unfortunately Judgement is really lacking in gameplay. I’ve never been super crazy about the Dragon Engine, but Yagami is super clunky and slow compared to Kiryu in Yakuza 6. I also don’t think there’s a lot of variety in the combat. I despised the tailing missions, especially towards the end. They never work in any game. Karaoke is sorely missed, and the music is pretty forgettable in my opinion. I did enjoy the story, but the worst parts were the “wait for xyz to call” sections. I would’ve liked to use those opportunities to work on side jobs, but instead you’re thrusted into a totally useless filler mission.

Judgement has good bones indicative of the typical “Yakuza” experience. Even though I’d recommend Judgement to someone who wants to try the series but is intimidated by the length of Kiryu’s saga, I don’t think it really holds a candle to 0-6.

I enjoyed the new pseudo-open world in Arceus, and it’s apparent that more effort was put into the story and characters. The new combat system and how to catch Pokémon are interesting as well. Overall the game feels like a breath of fresh air.

Unfortunately the game is pretty ugly and the zones are sparse. It seems like the game runs better handheld, with more noticeable framerate issues in the dock. The new combat system is interesting but I think the Attack stat was broken. As long as it was a super effective move I was two-shotting pokemon and getting two-shot with a ten level difference. Sometimes it didn’t even have to be super effective. It seems like everyone was able to do more damage than they should have been able to.

As someone who hasn’t played Pokemon since ORAS, if you like Pokemon you’ll probably like Arceus. It just isn’t worth full price.

If you like the first one, you’ll like this one. Being able to throw ingredients spiced things up, but much like the first game the level difficulties are all over the place, especially towards the end of the game.

No More Heroes is a pretty interesting game. The characters and bosses were all super unique and stylish. I enjoyed everything about them(besides fighting them). You do menial chores and hits to raise money for the next boss fight, which is a cool concept in practice. The combat was also pretty fun and satsifying when you get a good flow going. The story is all over the place in a fun way, but unfortunately I stopped caring at the end - probably when it reaches its peak.

I ran out of steam playing No More Heroes around the third to last boss and just wanted it to be over. The chores became a painful grind and the last couple of bosses are sponges that could one-shot you at random. I’ve played Souls games so it’s not a foreign concept to me, but it felt super cheap and frustrating when I played this and I couldn’t wait for it to be over.

If you enjoy hack-n-slashes and have a ton of patience, it’s worth grabbing on sale. Also PLEASE upgrade your stats and weapons! You’ll thank yourself later.

Great hand to hand combat and a very interesting story. The music was awesome. The biggest drawback for me was the awkward gunfights, Sleeping Dogs was definitely designed to be a beat em up.

Kirby and the Forgotten Land is an awesome co-op game. They made the transition to 3D perfectly. Phenomenal music and it was beautiful. My only drawback was the game was probably too easy with maxed out abilities + co-op.

I think some of the character interactions were annoying, the trials were a bit more obnoxious(looking at you Hangman's Gambit), and I think a lot of the middle of the game was boring. There was a lot of breadcrumbs and questions from the first game that didn't get answered until basically the end of the game.

BUT if you can stick through until the end, the payoff is worth it. The ending is MUCH better than 1 and a lot of my questions were answered. Overall, it was alright.

Having played the Standard Edition on Steam, this version has great QoL additions, but runs worse than the Standard Edition in my experience. Other than that I see no reason to not get the Director's Cut.

Like all the other newer Pokemon games, it could be so much better if it had more time to be worked on. I haven't encountered gameplay bugs but the game is just ugly sometimes. Terrible frame rate, objects popping in and out due to the short draw distance... Real shame, considering how ambitious this game was. The open world was promising, and the actual character models look very nice.

I would hold out to see if major patches improve the perfomance, otherwise don't buy it anywhere close to full price.

This being my first Splatoon game, I love the idea of playing more than actually playing. The music, graphics/art style, customization options, everything blends very well to set a super funky mood.

Unfortunately, the game itself sucks. I’m sure the story is great from everything else I’ve heard, but the multiplayer(the other half of the game) is excrutiating.

For PvP, assuming you’re even able to load into a game and not disconnect, the combat is frustrating. Time-to-kill is so short, you have very little time to react to being attacked. Sometimes it feels like it takes only a second or two to die. The PvE mode is fine. The enemy AI can be pretty obnoxious, but it’s not enough to keep me playing.

I don’t know what Splatoon could change to be more enjoyable for me. I think the style of the gameplay is just something I can’t get with. I love the looks and aesthetic of Splatoon, I just wish it wasn’t so aggravating to play.

The gameplay makes for one of the best couch co-op game experience. Each level has a lot of thought put into it.
Otherwise, I’m not sure how this game got GotY. The story sucks. The two main characters are both awful people, and the little helper that gets them to each level is beyond annoying. This game teaches a bad message. There’s no fixing some relationships; sometimes you just have to cut your losses. These two people especially need to cut their losses. Story-wise this game overstayed its welcome. There were many times the game led you to thinking you were done, only to fake you out. I hate that.
Also, there was one horrifying scene in the game that was incredibly pointless and out-of-place. It’s low-key traumatizing, I don’t think I’ll forget that scene for a while.