The first level is incredibly good and scary, sadly it falls apart after that by having worse levels, very low enemies variety and mediocre gameplay

One of the best games ever made, the gameplay aged a little bit so heres to hoping the remake carries the tourch.

Good game one of my issues with it is that it has a lot of scripted and qte moments that kind of ruin the atmosphere and the gameplay flow but its polished and improvement over RE7

The best Resident Evil game no doubt the gameplay is fun and the levels are fun to explore, the RE engine visuals are pretty good too.

There is no denying that narratively Silent Hill 2 is doing something profound and interesting. Sadly if you are looking for good and interesting gameplay you are going to be disappointed.

Lovecraftian horror masterpiece.

One of the best metroidvania ever made, sadly the lack of loot and abilities makes replaying the game less interesting.

Great remake that offers various improvements over the original in making the visuals look better, more gory and intense which elevates the atmosphere to new heights.
Various different weapons that feel unique and satisfying to use, different enemy types and good level layout make this among the best survival horror games to play.

One of the best horror games, the gameplay is deep but sadly the final bosses are a let down they left a bad taste in my mouth when the game starts interesting then by the middle you start to unlock all the awesome stuff and levels open up but at the end it falls apart and becomes a joke after you deal with the many.
All i want is a faithful remake of this just with a change to the ending

I may have finished it if it was shorter, walking simulators are not my thing.

The perfect game for incels looking for escapist power fantasy

Takes everything that is good about Ninja Gaiden and cranks it up to 100

Ruined whatever good left by Bioshock 2

Most definitely among the greatest FPS ever made.