Waiting an extra year for the PAL release made this the first game I actively looked forward to play.
The omnibus structure works wonders on the DS for short bursts, the extra content is appreciated even if it isn't mind blowing save for the new music, the retooled physics make Kirby less prone to jumping head first into harm's way, and the new art style manages a great balance between being faithful to the original, an evolution of the GBA art direction, and having its own identity.
This game has been close to me since 2009 and will remain my favorite forever.

4.5/5 stars the music is too compressed and the co-op isn't as accessible so it's objectively not better than the OG (and that's okay! They are both worth playing on their own)

A game this good deserves a better soundtrack :/

Some of y'all need to like, get out of your comfort zone and adapt to different control schemes
This isn't baby Shovel Knight with his single jump and no range or Specter Knight with his reliance on level design to look cool, this is Plague Knight who just flies and pelts everything babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Also man was it cool and refreshing when this was the only campaign and we didn't know the next two were going to be full new games.

The Switch port gave me a migraine with how stuttery it is
It still being available to purchase in unacceptable

Earthworm Jim proves that gamers will put up with mediocre gameplay as long as the art is good

I feel this one goes too often under the radar.
Sure, it has a lot of issues that were immediatly ironed out by its sequel... but it's the still the one that laid the foundation for countless games and spin-offs and it has aged a lot better than some of its contemporaries thanks to its infinite continues and is overall more fair as well.
Also its arsenal is somehow better than most Mega Man games even with only 6 of them and 2 being unusably bad (shame on you, Mega Man 2 and 5).

Man I love trashing on this game in part due to how it is obnoxiously herald as the best in the classic series (if not entire Mega Man franchise) despite its terrible weapons save for 2 (one of them making the game play itself) and horrible Wily stages... but I still can't help but love it anyway.

My very first 2D platformer... couldn't ever reach past half of the first stage.
Beat it years ago but warrants another fresh look.

Goodness this one is rough around the edges. Everything around the edges is very good, but those edges are called Shadow Man, Spark Shock, and Doc Robot stages.
Appropriate for the most "rushed" game in this series to introduce the titular robot dog.

Everything past this first episode is horrendous.
I guess even before Doom id kept the best for the shareware episode huh

One of the greatest games to play on a date

Also first played this during a school trip to England where I made the foster family plug their old Mega Drive and played this with the dad: absolute treasure of a memory

A very... divisive game in today's climate.
Much like the rest of the Sonic series, it took me many attempts before I stopped bouncing off it and became a fan.
How in the hell did I one day manage to beat this deathless with all emeralds obtained on the first try is beyond me, but I guess I must really like this game

A very honest attempt at a Mega Man game on the Game Boy.
Very very slow and sluggish but with some really cool twists to make it stand out from the NES entries (and that goes for its sequels too).

This is the best one: all 8 weapons are more than usable and so are the gadgets (RIP Rush Marine, you are never coming back after this game), the movement is at its most balanced with a useful but not overpowered charge shot, the level design is inventive and has great pacing (if a little too many instant death obstacles), and two whole castles to use that amazing arsenal!

Music is hilariously awful but it's very uninteresing