Iconic game start to finish really. I knew about the words Necromorph and Ishimura when I was like 8 years old, terrified of anything with jumpscares, and no concept of gore.

Also the part at the end got me and I'm so upset I forgot about it

I was skeptical I would ever find Pikmin a truly enjoyable experience. From gameplay I'd seen and people kind of putting it down I thought it would be an informative experience but I didn't know I would love it as much as I did. Every part of this game feels so phenomal to control and play and even though the time limit was stressful, it was incredibly rewarding to handily beat it on a first playthrough (19 out of 30 days)

This review is mainly for myself to remember later how horrendous the combat in this game was. Outside of that, the game had very compelling elements in its story and presentation, but in the 60% of the game where precision was needed desperately it failed. Fuck the shooting in this game. I might be entirely turned off of cover shooting because of it

I'm done with this dude. I've tried like 100 or so times for Champion's Road and I just don't want to anymore. I've gotten close a couple times but I'm not interested anymore.

I think Mario games are easier than other platformers by quite a margin so I wanted to try and 100% it on my first go around, getting everything I could, but the spike in world crown is just ridiculous. Screw that. I beat all the other levels, got all the collectibles, and did all the gold flags. I don't need to beat that last level. It's making my mental state worse so I need to do what's good for me.

messes up the mechanics of the original subnautica. the whole argument that its not scary anymore is tired since its horror was clearly a byproduct of what the team was trying to make with its desolate survival and exploratory focus. Instead there are too many issues with how the game runs that it becomes hard to realize this was built from the previous game. Enemies seem to have two states either chilling there after just spawning and then whenever you are within eyesight (even if they weren't looking at you in the first place) beelining it straight for you. The cat and mouse game is gone now replaced with feral animals and the equivalents of an abusive zookeeper's stun rod. Add on to this the snowfox which seems super cool in concept but basically functions as well as any vehicle from Death Stranding. (as an aside I've never had to replace any of my vehicles across both games save for having to built 4 snowfoxes. one was my fault and carelessly crashing into things but two of them just phased through the floor after I placed them down. made the last couple hours very tedious)

screw the achievement for 100%'ing the dance battle
had to completely give up on all feeling and stoneface through it for 45 minutes straight. got to the end 5 or so times where I just missed the final note. the rest of the achievements are equally janky and not fun to get. not a fan

Dogshit game. Levels are barren and spiraling into this loony world where compelling design is completely forgotten. The first Dark Forces didn't have many good layouts either but it hid its flaws by sticking close to the Doom design it was aping. Levels go on for way too fucking long and towards the end became worse than some of the most labyrinthine boomer shooters I've played.

Guns feel terrible. Enemies deal too much damage and overwhelm you. There is not much good mechanically about this other than going 3rd person and swinging your noodle arms around with a lightsaber. Not even going to try and play the expansion which is apparently worse than this.

borderline tech demo. wish there was more puzzle to manipulating machinery. I feel like somewhere in between this borderline baby mode engineering and actually making like radios and shit is a compelling game with deep mechanics and the compelling art direction found here

Unfortunately my HD Collection copy of this game has a scratch in it so I can't 100% it as it would buffer endlessly on Snake Tales and some of the VR missions. Starting over on this new Master Collection version which funnily enough has more and easier achievements

TL;DR They were cooking when they made the Jill and Carlos models.

Takes the wonderful catharsis in finality from the original and transforms it into needless melodrama. Characters clashed because of their ideals poking out from their drive to survive while in this remake they feel like they are forced upon a spotlit stage to verbally spar with grandiose intention.

Also the one major frustration I had with the original, the fickle dodge move, carries over to this "improvement" making it just as frustrating to get through. A weird nitpick I had was the inability to dodge while reloading as well which just seemed silly more than anything. This became maddening coming up to the final encounters where there's a consistent armada being thrown at the player for no sensible reason (The phase 2 Nemesis fight was just a mess of poor design on Hardcore).

The removal of the choice system and 'more linear' structure didn't actually bother me that much since from what I remember the original was about as linear. The lack of a clock tower made me relieved more than anything because I think it had the weakest point in the entire game, almost like a b-sides compilation of the previous 2 RE games reviving the scrapped designs that are way more obtuse. Plus unlike much of the original, there are sections of Metroivania-ness injected here and there in this remake.

Perhaps that linearity would have bothered me more if it weren't for the shop unlocked after a playthrough. I felt a sense that it was urging me to rerun the game already to make achievement hunting easier. It's a system which I kind of like in concept more than the older RE systems of just speedrunning to get an instant win rocket gun. It feels like it forces players to progress more gradually through gaining might. It's the complete opposite of why I love rerunning REmake which had amazing controls but limited rewards. I know that getting better times is meant to be a gradual improvement but it stresses me the fuck out so I have to meticulously plan in advance.

I can't hate this game because it itches a part of me other RE's don't/can't but I can't love it because its such a nightmare when it comes to control and design

This review contains spoilers

That Lisa scene hit me harder than I ever expected

kind of tearing up at the end

The real beauty of this is that its one of the few games my dad has played already and we had fun reminiscing about how much he enjoyed it and Dragon Warrior(Quest) as a kid. I love my dad and every time I get to have a moment like that with him, it becomes one of the most important I ever remember

Regrettably, this goes hard as motherfucking shit

I used to be so scared to even think about this game and now that I've played it, I realized I've basically seen this all turning it more frustrating than creepy