April, 2024

one of the original indies.

get anniversary edition.
DMC & Berserk inspired, look into. After DMC of course, and maybe even after Berserk.
remaster on console, sequel too.

Keiichiro Toyama directed, Silent Hill director. Worth looking into, feels similar to Psychonauts in a strange way.

The sequel is quite lengthy.
The only Avatar-y game. Might be the greatest evergreen roguelike.

Read Yangchen with.
Very distinct concept. One of the few games that are anything like Supergiant’s roguelite. Probably’ll see more of these in the coming years.
Faith is insane character design.

Sequel too.
Same situation as POE. Spare 200 hours? Fear not this night.

Main story actually takes about 89h.
Pronounced “otcho.” Strange art style. Regarded as the successor to Hotline.
Decent beat ‘em up. Make certain to play Streets of Rage 4 before playing this.
Film trilogy with this. Actually looks like something you’d play with the Robocop name attached or without.
first immersive sim. not a good entry point, post prey.
should prolly see the Potter movies with this
Short, tight, top down souls like. Made by one guy.

lot with a little


On early access leave. Chess dance.


original is spoken of with teary eyes. Remake is the closest thing you'll get to it. Possibly even better. Base gameplay mechanics seem strong
sort of has a campaign, called conquest. Play with the rest of the books as a companion.
sequel nearly double the length. Playing the first one’d be more important than the second.
Ultra-accessible fighting game.
Push the PS5's limits!
Strange situation. Generally disliked, but positive reviews across the board on Steam.

SkillUp: "Atomic Heart is full of ideas but like the machine you're fighting, all of them suffer some critical malfunction. The result is a game that feels thrown together, poorly balanced and lacking in vision."

On backlog on merit of setting alone.


Reviewed as having shallow gameplay, the game essentially being an artpiece.

Being an artpiece is enough.


reserve for one of those days.

A Short Review: "I have been having a horrible time in my life lately, and on the day of playing it was an especially terrible day, crying and grief all over. I realized that I needed to do something to get my mind off of my stress, and so l booted up A Short Hike, which I bought as per a recommendation of my friend.
And then, after the opening cutscene, I started exploring the island. I followed the path as I could, my mind still filled with worry from my life, and I didn't think much as I wandered off the path. Yet as I played more and more, the terrible stress felt a lot, lot smaller, and by the time that I got to the point of fishing over and over, I forgot it was even there.
At the end, I finally climbed the summit, flew down, and cried very much. It was just that beautiful. It was a perfect escape. And being away from my pain for even just two hours was everything I needed.
This game is especially calming. The characters are so interesting and charming. Even with such little dialogue I got a good picture of all of them-they felt very real.
If you're having a bad day, a bad week, a bad month, whatever, set some time aside and play this game.
Take your time. Go soaring for a while. It'll all be okay."
Alex Roe cooked here.
Appropriately accursed for it’s source material.

Kind of NSFW, but not really.
too many positive reviews. Supposedly did things that horror games to this day don't replicate.
Made by some of the people behind the older CODs, very linear and finite.

The phrase "Immortals of Aveum" isn't necessarily problematic. Aveum is a word that refers the mode of existence experienced by certain angels, so if one said, just said "undying angels" that wouldn't be problematic