March, 2024


Unbelievably good art direction.

Takes full advantage of DualSense as well.

Maybe get the Deluxe edition, just cuz. kena
goes without saying.

Play Rift Apart right after this, back to back.
Nice indie platformer. Making the world go round, one at a time.

Also: Devolver.


Looks to be highly immersive. Good kind of tedium.

Short and sad, be sure to play.

One of those games you have to be in the right mindset to play though, for sure.
Compared to Katana Zero.

Also: grappling hook.

They took poker, ripped out the chance, and turned it up to 11.


Fantastic video by Second Wind on this one, a Cold Take. Rewatch if a refresher's needed.


Professed to be the best in the Star Ocean series. Standalone, don't worry about having to play the other entries.

Motoi Sakuraba cooked here. Actually thematic damage numbers here. Keep on. Looking like they belong. Reviewed as "Square's magnum opus" when it comes to remakes. Then again, said reviewer did play the original way back when, may be looking with some tulip-tinted glasses. Still, definitely worth checking out.

Premiere JRPG. Try in Japanese.
55.5h applies to all.

Great collection, near perfectly preserved. Nothing changed. Complaints on this one are essentially gibberish: "file sizes too big, games don't all come from the same launcher."

Play all MG games, maybe not the fifth.
Worth playing for the art style alone.

Not exactly a roguelite metroidvania, moreso simply having roguelite elements. real metroidvania.
Roguelite with heavy focus on perma-progression. Ken Levine recommend.

"Classic Zelda in roguelite form."
"more reminiscent of the older Fire Emblems"

This and Three Houses are pretty much the only Fire Emblems you can play without emulation.


This is an interesting one. They say you gotta play some 6/10s to truly appreciate the 9s and 10s. Then again let he who cast the first stone and all that. You never know till you play it.

Purported to have strong interconnectivity, comparable to DS1. But some weakness in combat due to jank. From what's reported, seems very fixable in time.

Playing this and Lies of P pretty much makes you a scholar of souls-likes.

PS5 chosen as platform, partly because Lies of P should be there as well, and Lords has haptics. Good haptics at that.
People just can't stop extolling this.

Looks strange, just break your self and play it ig.

Woulda missed SOMA if stuck with personal preferences after all.

Playing the other Vanillaware games is questionable though. Just off-the-wall fan service. 13 Sentinels is pretty minimal.
Inventive gameplay is near all that can said about Lysfanga; and that's by no means a bad thing. Uniquity goes a long way. Less of a roguelike and more of a combat puzzler.

Needs more polish, reportedly, as well as some technical tightening. Definitely play if ever on Humble or PS+, but hold off for now.
Reviewed as a middling metroidvania, but the artstyle knocks it up a few notches.

What even is a middling metroidvania? Play this, anthropomorphic animals've been the basis of many a great story.
Ori's perfect mechanic turned into a whole game.
Maybe? Often described as therapeutic. If get, get on PS5. May be on PS Extra, but make sure it says PS5 as it's big on haptics.
"quintessential JRPG"

JRPG with hack n' slash instead of turn-based for once. On the shorter side as well. Well worth looking into.

Obviously standalone, don't need to play previous Tales games to comprehend.
Criticized as having less RPG elements than the other FFs. As in, more DMC than Elden Ring, or FF7. Near unanimous agreement on spectacle of the set-pieces however.

This is perfectly fine, it was expected for at least one of the FFs to go down this route.

Also. Soken.

Playing this, doubtlessly.

If this is becomes the first FF played, get one beeeeg ^oud bottle for all things FF. Thing should look fictional, no business being real.

Think on this a bit more. But would you really want multiple bottles for the different Final Fantasies? I don't think so.


Roger Clark and Troy Baker.
Slow and short. Highly unique.
Seemingly self-contained story, unecessary to play previous titles to understand this one.
More complex than Diablo, less so than POE. This might be the one. Worth checking out.

Rather play this or POE than Grim Dawn though.
A foregone conclusion. The only question is whether to play the first one or not.

Compared to reminiscent of most...

Wait a while to play this one, let 'em iron out the technical issues.

Only actual long term criticism is lack of enemy variety. And the opposite, being able to fight some of the larger monsters only once or twice. That aside, this is it. Besides, you have to play for yourself to see what's happening there. Could a wise design decision in disguise.

Also, use the pink & gold ^oud for this. Perhaps the first as well.

It seems it'd be much better to play the first then this one. Provides increased gaming literacy. See if changes.

SkillUp recommended on merit of "journey" alone. Journey being the way Dragon's Dogma handles traversal. Crowning achievement of the game he all but said.



Keep Persona games on PlayStation. Persona games are like FF, each numbered entry is completely different.

"Same story, different experience."


Purported to be a big step up in story, and a small step down in gameplay for Team Ninja.

IMO not really a step down in gameplay, just more simplified combat.

Also: Matthew C. Perry.
Yesssss, Pinnochio-inspired game, wears Bloodborne on its chest. Anything remotely close to that game is a must-play.

Steelrising back-to-back.

Read Pinnochio with this.